
simone-32 avatar image
simone-32 asked

BYD LVL 15.4 battery box premium


I am planning to upgrade my Multi ii gx 5k to a multi 15k. The Victron battery compatibility list shows all Multis and Quattros are compatible. However the BYD minimum configuration document only lists the 3 and 5k models.

My question is should I go with the Quattro or the Multi (my preferred choice).


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simone-32 avatar image simone-32 commented ·

Thanks. that is the purpose of my question. The BYD minimum configuration document says that only the 3 and 5k models are supported. I wonder if this is because the battery has a max charge current of 70a, and a continuous output of 250a. All the models above 5k are above the charge limit. This would be a bit strange as the charge current limit can be set in the BMS. I would expect to be able to set the max current draw in VE bus settings. I am planning to add a second battery at some point which should allow for more amps to be drawn. Any help would be great


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ simone-32 commented ·

The victron doc lists 8, 10 and 15k devices, as per my previous post. So no idea why you keep being stuck on 5k inverters.

The battery sets the limits, this is hard coded by BYD, the inverter purely follows what the BMS asks for.

The setup is also clearly referenced in the link provided and there is no difference between the requirements for a Quattro vs Multi, which is a minumum of 1 battery, ideally 2, for proper (grid-loss) backup.

250A continuous is around 12800VA which is a little light for a 15k inverter, but suitable for grid-attached, but a little low for grid-loss, hence the 2 module optimal recommendation.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Not sure where you're looking, they are all on the Victron doc:

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