
golanbari avatar image
golanbari asked

Parallel MultiPlus without Battery possible?


For a specific application we are investigating the possibility of having 6 parallel MultiPlus 2000 without having a battery. The idea is to distribute a big AC load between 6 MultiPlus, each of which receives a separate input AC line (say, an input AC socket, a Generator, etc.).

Would it be possible to do that? any idea or help is appreciated.


multiplus in parallel
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@golanbari Victron systems require batteries and should be configured as per below. Anything else would not be supported and also invalidate any warranties.httpswwwvictronenergycomuploaddocumentsmultiplus-i.png

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

No. The AC inputs and outputs of all units must be connected together. The input to the cluster must be from the same source. Nothing else will work. You also need a battery.

In order to do what you want, you'd need separate AC to DC chargers on each source then a fairly large battery bank. The outputs of the Multis would then be connected together but without an AC input.

Paralleling 6 units would be a challenge since all cables (DC and AC) need to have matched lengths. This is discussed in the webinar/traning for parallel and multi-phase system design. It's available on Best have someone with tons of parallel systems experience help with design and implementation.

You say you want to parallel 6 2000 VA Multis. That's a total of 12 KVA which could be handled by a single Quattro 15K (230 volt only). You still need a battery bank. You still won't be able to connect multiple AC sources . You still need to go with the multiple AC to DC chargers connected to the battery.

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