
Adedeji Thomas avatar image
Adedeji Thomas asked

Battery Monitor (512) State of Charge Alarm

What is the cause of Battery Monitor (512) State of Charge alarm in a Victron setup and how can it be resolved.

BMV Battery MonitorLithium Battery
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Adedeji Thomas

There are two ways to set it up.

One is on the bmv itself with Victron Connect and one on the VRM.

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christern avatar image
christern answered ·

The reason for an alarm on the BMV712 is most likely that the batteries it looks at have gone under the set alarm value, i.e. state of charge less than 50%.

There are actually three ways you can set it up (and change the alarm value) if I have understood it correct:

On the BMV itself, via the VictronConnect app and via VRM if you have a Cerbo GX or similar.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@Adedeji Thomas

What is '512' on your system? On mine it's a managed battery - which is also listed as a 'Battery Monitor' on VRM.

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