
boater avatar image
boater asked

SVS on Multiplus

I have a Multiplus 3000, Cerbo, and SmartShunt. During high current charging, the voltage at the Multi is about 0.4V higher than at the batteries due to drop in the cables/connections/etc between the batteries & Multi, or about 3%, which is acceptable, and the batteries do eventually get a full charge, but this phenomenon is slowing the charging down, causing the charger to prematurely switch from bulk to absorption charging.

Therefore, I want the Multiplus to use the voltage from the SmartShunt when charging. I have enabled DVCC and SVS on the Cerbo, and the Cerbo correctly shows the voltage as measured by the SmartShunt.

However, the Multi still is controlling the charge based on the voltage at its terminals. Why is the Multiplus not utilizing SVS?

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2 Answers
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

I don't know the answer to this, but doesn't the multiplus also have it's own voltage sense connection?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is the shunt set as the battery monitor in system set up?

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