
ian0 avatar image
ian0 asked

Ve Bus address

When setting up the BMS assistant on multiple Quattros, it asks about the Ve Bus Address of the unit with the BMS connection. How do I find out the Ve Bus address?

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What are you trying to do, and with which battery/BMS?

The ID would be listed in the device list, but that assistant is deprecated and no longer needed on up to date systems.

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ian0 avatar image
ian0 answered ·

I use the one input of the two-signal BMS on lead acid batteries to keep it permanently in float (disabling repeat absorption)

If I set up a multiple-Quattro system, it asks for the address when setting up the first unit. It suggests "1" and I leave it set to "1" and it appears to work; but I just wondered if it should always be "1" (and not "0")

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