
home3131 avatar image
home3131 asked

Small Setup no Solar

Hello all

Would like your advice or suggestions

What do I want to achieve; A small system that charges the battery during the day when the energy price is low or give an extra charge command via Home Assistant when I have a lot of PV surplus. In the evening I want to compensate my night consumption by delivering back 400 watt/h for +/- 10 hours. I was thinking of a system consisting of:

Multiplus compact 48v/1600/20

Cerbo GX

Smart shunt 500V/50mV

Pylontech US5000

NO Solar

Can I realize my idea with this setup?

Thanks in advance

Multiplus-IIcerbo gxPylontech
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

In short yes, lookup DESS. You don’t need a shunt.

But this is really a discussion for your supplier, we don’t encourage design topics on the community.

Plenty of info available via the search button or online training, which if you intend to DIY, should be the first place to start, long before spending a penny.

I would also encourage you to choose a supplier carefully and not purely on cost, as it is their responsibility to help and support you, something that will ultimately save you more in the long run.

2 |3000

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home3131 avatar image home3131 commented ·

Yes this will be a DIY project. Thanks. I will take your advice. I did a lot of searching and reading on ESS. The problem is there are so many possibilities and many of the videos or articles describe much more complex setups.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ home3131 commented ·

@home3131 create a free account on and run through the relevant sections of the free video training.

It will give you a good grounding for future discussion and provide more context for you.

Pylontech also has a setup document for victron.

Dynamic ESS is a layer above ESS, and seems to be what you are aiming for.

These products take a fair amount of research and planning to understand and install safely and optimally, and if you are new to it, having a professional to guide you is valuable.

You aren't trying to do anything that hasn't been done many times before.

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home3131 avatar image home3131 nickdb ♦♦ commented ·


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