
nilsh avatar image
nilsh asked

Remote control Buck-Boost DC-DC with Bluetooth or Cerbo gx ?


Is it possible to see the Buck-Boost via Bluetooth or via a Cerbo ?

Can we use a MK3 or any other method other than a personal computer with TS Config.

The best will be to use the application Victron Connect.

Thanks !


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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

If you mean the old Buck-Boost DC-DC converter, no, the only interface is via TSConfig.

If you mean the new Orion XS DC-DC charger (which was briefly called a BuckBoost as well) then yes, via BT (VictronConnect) and also will interface with Cerbo if the Cerbo's Venus OS is up-to-date.

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nilsh avatar image
nilsh answered ·

Thanks Justin,

Yes I mean the old one (the black Buck-Boost, not the Orion)

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