
uli-c avatar image
uli-c asked

MPPT direct Battery monitoring

Hi folks.

I have a great question. Simple system with PV MPPT and Battery. Loads are connected only trhougt the MPPT. So technically I can monitor my battery status directly prom the MPPT right? There are thegnical issues that I cannot see?

Why I cannot find operative option on the MPPT charger to do like the smartshunt does? I know it will be limited to 15A. That's almost 180w that are fine for me for now. So why not use directly MPPT as monitoring shunt?

I think I'm going to try to get this function through nodered.

Someone already dive in this problem?

I wish not to spend other 120 on smartshunt and cable it...

MPPT ControllersBMSSmartShunt
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Uli c

By battery status you mean voltage then you you can see it

But if you are asking if you have shunt (SOC) abilities without a shunt then no.

I suppose you could get clever with node red but the current viewed (reported/logged) on an mppt to my knowlege does not differentiate between load and battery so not likely to work.

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uli-c avatar image uli-c commented ·

How an mppt charger know how much solar power is getting, how much load is giving, how much battery is charging? I think that the mppt charger should have more than one shunt inside to get that info... so it should be able to calcolate the SOC in my mind. Maybe i will get more information about how smartshunt works and how to calculate SOC. But seems that the mppt should have smaller version to know current flow and report it....

Where am I doing wrong?

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uli-c avatar image uli-c uli-c commented ·

Here a screenshot of mppt charger. Seems to get all values. screenshot-20240713-111250.jpg

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