
abeness avatar image
abeness asked

Venus OS on Raspberry Pi problems

Hello, all. I've just set up a Raspberry Pi 4 B with the latest Venus OS Large (3.34), and I'm struggling with several issues.

  1. Sluggish response in remote console with local IP connection, and constantly dropped connections, though wifi signal is reportedly 72%. At first I thought it might be because I had initially enabled Node-Red, but the issue persists after I disabled that and rebooted the unit.
  2. I set AC Input 1 and AC Input 2 to Not Available several times and the setting is repeatedly not retained after I back out and return. I do not have a MultiPlus or other direct AC interface.
  3. ESS Codes 3 (BMS disabled charging) and 4 (BMS disabled output). This prevents my SmartSolar 100/30 MPPT charger from charging, but output is performing as expected.

I haven't been able to locate the reason for these ESS codes, or what setting is controlling it, so in order to charge from solar I have to shut down the RasPi and reset the MPPT external control setting when prompted that BMS is offline. I've only got 90W of solar with limited exposure, and I need every watt. The JK-BMS shows charge and discharge both on from its perspective.

System details: EVE 230Ah 4S prismatic pack with JK-BMS in a Pelican 1460 case: portable power. Well, after my recent upgrades it weighs over 75 pounds, so not so easily portable! External parallel connection for my old 100Ah battery with internal BMS (Relion RB100). Both batteries run through my BMV-712 shunt. In addition to the MPPT I also have a Blue Smart IP67 charger that sadly does not have a VE.Direct port. (I'd really love a way to connect it to the RPi over bluetooth.) The BMV and MPPT are both connected via VE.Direct and a Duppa 4-port JST to USB-C adapter. The JK-BMS is connected via RS485 adapter.

Small bug: System Setup > System Status is missing its heading "System Status" from the black bar at the top.

A few screenshots below.

My messages log includes many connection errors. A sampling, not complete:

Jul 11 23:40:48 raspberrypi4 daemon.warn avahi-daemon[17232]: *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
Jul 11 23:43:39 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Address family not supported by protocol
Jul 11 23:43:39 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Network is unreachable
Jul 11 23:45:50 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Address family not supported by protocol
Jul 11 23:46:04 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Network is unreachable
Jul 11 23:46:04 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Address family not supported by protocol
Jul 11 23:46:04 raspberrypi4 daemon.err dnsmasq[671]: failed to send packet: Address family not supported by protocol
Jul 12 01:40:47 raspberrypi4 connmand[731]: ntp: time slew -0.070112 s


Any pointers will be very much appreciated!










Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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2 Answers
abeness avatar image
abeness answered ·

Update: Re: the disconnects, I think the wifi signal strength indicator may be unreliable, unless I've got a bad wifi chip in the RPi. I've switched to Ethernet and the Remote Console connection seems much more reliable, if not entirely so.

Re: AC Input setting not saved, this appears to be a bug in 3.34. "Unavailable" cannot be saved.

Finally, I found that I could set DVCC to "No BMS Control" until I figure out how to properly configure the JK-BMS to permit solar charging. I'm really not sure why/how it would tell the MPPT not to charge, when it, itself, had charging turned on. It appears that I need to dig deeper into the driver. Sure helps to remain connected to the RPi... ;-)


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Holger Watermann avatar image
Holger Watermann answered ·

Jul 11 23:40:48 raspberrypi4 daemon.warn avahi-daemon[17232]: *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***

check for another DNS server in your network, there should be only one, or if then both should not use the same IP-Numbers to share to their clients. Mostly these Errors occur if you connect both via ethernet and wifi. They will syncronise after some time...

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