
h2009 avatar image
h2009 asked

Inverter temperature read out or status in node red?

I need to get the inverter temperature reading or status from the VE.Bus System - for example what outputs the logs: Temperature L2: Warning

Is there any way to query the status or temperature in node red?


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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

It seems that the internal temperatures of inverters, chargers and GX devices are never published. This is frustrating as the said equipment all seem to have ways of measuring internal temperatures. I guess there are good reasons not to publish the information. There is a hack on this forum on how to query chargers. Not sure that with the necessary modifications, lt would work with inverters.


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1 Answer
h2009 avatar image
h2009 answered ·

So I did find in Node Red a status which I can use, however I'm getting these alerts of high temp but my own temp probe is showing normal temp range.

Does anyone know exactly the inverters take their temp readings from internally?

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