
garypjackman avatar image
garypjackman asked

3 Phase grid to single phase advice

Hi all

I have a few questions that I hope you can help with.

My property has 3 phase from the grid which is not too stable so there are problems more than not.

The equipment I have setup as a 3 phase system are as follows.

3x MultiPlus II 48\5000\70 ( 3 Phase )

1x Fronius Symo 10 KW ( Grid Tied )

3x MPPT 250/100 TR charge controllers

1x Cerbo GX

16x Pylontech US2000C batteies

84x 370W solar panels

1x 3 Phase energy meter

The first question Is can I set the Victron Inverters as 3 single phases ( 1 white phase, 2 red phase and 3 blue phase ) so if one of the inverters or one phase goes down the others will still supply the other 2 phases. Can I put a few cutover switches to allow the downed phase to run off one of the other phases.

The main issues I see are the batteries. Will the cerbo control the charging of the batteries through the inverters as I would like to keep it as a single bank and not split them into 3 banks per phase?

I do also have a 5 KW generatior which I would like to be connected to one of the phases as a worst case scenario.

Will I require additional hardware.



split phasemulti phase
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

@GaryPJackman These are more advanced design questions best directed to a qualified supplier, we don't encourage design topics, particularly broad, advanced ones on the community.

If you study the docs, you will see that at setup you can choose to disable "switch as a group" so other phases remain up when one fails.

That should allow for a normal system design and configuration as a cerbo cannot manage more than one system at a time.

Plenty of info on this in the docs and available via free training on the site.

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