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jaqibar asked

Single phase system on L3, using a 3phase VM-3P75CT energy meter?

Single phase system on L3, using a 3phase VM-3P75CT energy meter?

-2x Quattro’s 15kVa (in Parallel as single phase).

-4x Primo Fronius (Connected in parallel with each other on AC 1 on Quattro’s)

-1x VM-3p75ct (on grid side)

-1x VM -3p75ct (on Generator)

Quattro’s are connected on L3 from Grid supply as L1 & L2 voltage too low to sustain system operation without discharging Battery bank unnecessary when no PV available.

Once we installed the energy meter on grid side and soon generator side, inverters feed back into grid, which is not allowed by utility meter. My question is will it be a problem if I change the CT’s and voltage supply to Victron meters [VM-3P75CT] from L1 with L3? Will readings on all phases be more accurate as GX unit seems to think inverters are on L1 and gives negative reading to grid.

Also changing the voltage supply's on VM-3P75CT between L1 and L3, is the meter sensitive on phase rotation internally, and won't it be damaged?

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