
trams avatar image
trams asked

running a honda 1000 generator to charge with multiplus 12/3000/120

Running a honda 1000, just to charge the system, as you dial back the victron multiplus11 12/3000/120 inverter/charger to 4 amps what would be the output of the charger feeding the battery system? how would I work that out.

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2 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

If your input is 4A @ 240V =960VA so (ignoring losses) 960VA/14V (assumed battery voltage while charging)= 68A DC charge current (approx).

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@TRAMS You forgot to mention the AC voltage!

You will need to be extra careful with your multi settings, as it will be very easy to overload your genny.

The minimum configurable ac input limit for a 230v 12-3000-120 multi is 3.8a. (120v version is either 7.5 or 9.5a)



Your Honda 1000 is rated as .8kva continuous, 1kva maximum. At 240v that is a continuous output of about 3.3a. That is below the multi's min ac input limit by a fair bit. Risky as the genny can get overloaded, esp if there are any ac loads connected to the multi.

Now if you are only looking to charge the battery, without any other ac loads you might be able to dial down the battery charge current to a safe level for the genny.

Having done this with a .8kva (rated) .65kva (continuous) genny and a 12-1600-70 multi, the max batt charge current was 40a to keep the genny output to .65kva. (as shown by monitoring VE Config)

There is no suggestion by me, other than monitor the inverter with VE Config, and keeping the input below your genny kva limit.

Note. High temps and altitude will reduce your genny safe output.

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