
ac23aa avatar image
ac23aa asked

Orion XS cable size uk/metric

I need to use 4awg cabe due to the run length, which equates to 21.15mm2. In the UK, 4awg always seems to be described as 25mm2. I’m worried that 25mm2 won’t fit, so do I need to source 20mm2 cable instead?

orion xs
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1 Answer
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

20mm2 is not a cable size in the UK. It's 16mm or 25mm (that's why AWG4 is converted to 25mm, it's the closest size).

You could cut a few strands off 25mm until it fits. That way your run of cable is still 25mm2 for volt-drop purposes even if it is a few mm2 less at the termination.

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