
malimish avatar image
malimish asked

Reset PIN without PUK

Need help pairing Multiplus Inverter (23/3000/120-50 2x120V) to new iPhone. Inverter was installed in an inaccessible area (unable to access PUK and or SN. We do not know the code used previously. Fortunately, with the help of a mirror and iPhone camera, I was able to visualize PUK and reset PIN for our Smart Shunt and Controller.

2 |3000

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1 Answer
dc-marine avatar image
dc-marine answered ·

There is no bluetooth feature built into your Multiplus. There is a bluetooth dongle that can be connected to the VE.Bus port of the multi, which is most likely what you are trying to pair with. The dongle will need to be located and reached to read the PUK code. Since it uses an ethernet cable for data and only requires a 12v power to work, it can be located anywhere in the installation, not always near the Multi. Using the bluetooth strength signal may help in locating the dongle, the easiest way is to the follow the VE.Bus cable. It could also be tucked inside the unit itself. Good luck in your hunt.

2 |3000

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