
northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 asked

Is there a way to know what bluetooth adapter my Ruuvi has connected to?

I have bluetooth turned off and using a TP Link usb bluetooth dongle instead which is at the end of a 10' extension outside of my powerhouse so i can pick up the Ruuvi in my refrigerator, in the main cabin.

Im a bit confused because there are still two adapters showing up in the GX.


I have dbus-serial battery running on my GX using a JK BMS vis serial adapter to USB. perhaps one of the adapters is from the BMS?

Mainly, I want to know how to determine which adapter my Ruuvi sensor(s) are connecting to as I was having a alot of trouble with intermittent data which has suddenly resolved itself (perhaps was connected to JK BMS instead of TP Link Dongle?)

It has been rock solid for the past week and i have made zero changes:


cerbo gxBluetoothruuvi sensors
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2 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

The Cerbo does not actually connect to the Ruvi. It broadcasts data which VenusOS listens for. Both those devices are Bluetooth and doubt has anything to do with the serial BMs.

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northtown2022 avatar image northtown2022 commented ·

Very strange, when GX bluetooth is turned on I see three bluetooth addresses. One address is obviously the GX internal bluetooth, one is the TP Link dongle, but the third one is what?

With GX bluetooth turned off and external bluetooth dongle removed all of my other Ruuvis stayed connected showing real time data under advanced.

Also I wonder if there was origionally a priority conflict causing this weaker mystery adapter to take prescidence and do the listening over the stronger external dongle?

Again its working perfect right now just trying to understand this and figure out how to determine which adapter is receiving the signal from each Ruuvi sensor.

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northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 answered ·

Refrigerator Ruuvi has become intermittent again.


Also, my other Ruuvi's will still report data with GX bluetooth turned off AND USB bluetooth dongles disconnected. hci0 stays populated which I believe is my serial to USB connected JK BMS.


If I knew which hci (host controller interface?) is listening to the refrigerator it would be much easier to troubleshoot. Is there a way to know which hci is/was listening (perhaps a modification under advanced --> gateway --> hci ?) without preforming a process of elimination?

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·


Perhaps through the process of elimination, you can temporarily disable the BMS to see what happens?


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