
kaarthik avatar image
kaarthik asked

quattro inveter output AC voltage drops, and giving overload alarm.

Dear all,

I am using a 48/10000 VA Quattro in a 3-phase configuration. Occasionally, it gives an overload alarm even though the load is not high. I checked the VRM graphs and found that, even when the AC input is normal (234V), the inverter output alone drops to 154input-and-output-curves.jpgV, triggering the overload alarm. The settings are ESS with 90% SOC, and I have a lead-gel 1200Ah/48V battery. There are 10kW solar panels with two 250/100 controllers.Here below i have attached the voltage drop image.Thanks in advance for your help.

quattro 10kva
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Ifls that one specific phase? Check your wiring. I have seen that happen with a dodge neutral and one where a circuit was feeding back.

Do you have a frequency graph?

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kaarthik avatar image kaarthik commented ·

Dear Alexandra,

Thank you for your response. Yes, it is giving the overload alarm on L2, but the voltage drop is happening in all three phases. Below, I have attached the frequency graph for your reference. If it were a wiring issue, I believe the inverter output voltage should not drop; it should be on the load side from my understanding. However, we also checked the connections on the grid side, MCB, inverter terminal, load side, etc., and all appear to be good.1720239502074.png

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1720239559544.png (106.8 KiB)
Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

I had a similar problem, interestingly on a 10kva quattro. It was outputting 145v instead of 230v despite all the settings being correct. Strangely (and happily) upgrading the firmware solved the issue.


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kaarthik avatar image kaarthik commented ·
Hi Fideri ,

Thanks for your update, can you please tell me what is the current firmware and what is the old firmware you upgraded from.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

It is not possible for the AC output voltage to differ from the AC input voltage as long as the AC input is accepted. This is because a relay between the AC input and AC output is closed in this situation.

For the voltage to differ, the voltage would need to be dropped across the relay which could only occur if the relay were defective.

It would be interesting in these cases if the voltage at the actual output was measured. If the Quattro was showing a vastly different voltage than was measured with a meter, then there could be something wrong with the voltage measurement circuitry inside the Quattro.

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kaarthik avatar image kaarthik commented ·
Dear sir,

Thanks for the update , but its happening randomly per day once or two days once so we couldn't able to measure actual voltage at that time , is there any way to do that thanks in advance

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

@Kevin Windrem

You are right. In my case, I was off-grid. I forgot to mention that important factor.


Thc current version I'm running is 510. I have forgotten what I had previously but it was the 500 series.


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kaarthik avatar image
kaarthik answered ·

Dear Fideri,

my system already with 510 version

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
There have been no fixes in the updates that could affect this. An update making a difference could only be a result of settings being reset as part of the process.
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Fideri avatar image Fideri nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
I tried resetting to factory defaults. I even tried switching off the inverter for a full day. No luck. I suspect my firmware was corrupted somehow. But now my issue is completely resolved.


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