
szymon-dziedzina avatar image
szymon-dziedzina asked

Campervan wiring diagram review

Hello Everyone

vito-diagram.pngVito Diagram

I was hoping someone could do me a massive favour and look over my campervan schematic. I've been a bit confused about wire gauges and fuses. After consulting other schematics and the Victron manuals have come up with this. In general all cable runs are short as everything will be compact in cabinet, excluding the starter battery and Orion which is approx 2.5m from rest of the system, and Lithium battery is about 1.3m from Multiplus.

I have already bought most of the larger components.

- Multiplus 12/800/35

- Orion 12/12 - 30

- MPPT 100/30

- 2x Victron 175W solar panels

- Creabest Lithium 175AH

- Victron busbar 150A (for earth cables)

I'm not sure do I need Victron Battery Protect and Victron Smart Shunt?

I didn't want to buy all the smaller items (cables, fuses, busbars, etc.) until I had the entire diagram figured out for my campervan.

This is what I've come up with. I would highly appreciate any feedback of my setup before I start buying the rest.

Thank you in advance!

wiring diagram
vito-diagram.png (402.5 KiB)
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Victron seller from whom you bought the components should be able to help you with that.

As per the guidelines the community is not the place for system design.

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