
atcamper avatar image
atcamper asked

Caravan: Multiplus II 48/ 3000 --> SmartSolar MPPT 150/45 --> 12v 460ah LifePo

Hi everyone,

I have a caravan that I plan to install a multiplus ii. As a Multiplus II 48v is half the price of a Multiplus II 12v, I was thinking of getting a 48/3000 connecting it to a smartsolar mppt 150/45 and charging my 12v 460ah Lifepo battery with it. What are your thoughts - good/bad idea? Why / why not?

Any support would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers from Austria

Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolarLithium Battery
2 |3000

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7 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

A Multiplus needs to be connected to a battery to work, a Multiplus 48/3000 needs to be connected to a 48V battery. Your system will not work.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Unfortunately you have to either increase the battery voltage, or to pay the higher price for the MP2 12V edition. But a general question, - why exactly you want a Multiplus2? Are you aware of all its features and you want to use them? Or just because of the 3kVA inverter?

2 |3000

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theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

I personally would advise a Multiplus 12|2000|80.

As written above: a Multiplus II 48V needs a 48V battery. When you would upgrade to a 48V battery, you would need to change all caravan hardware to fit 48V power, and that is not always possible.

2 |3000

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atcamper avatar image
atcamper answered ·

Thank you all! @Jetlag / @Theo74 I have a purely electrical caravan with an induction stove, compressor fridge, and climate control for cooling / heating. I need power load balancing abilities between the land line, battery, and solar (1.2KWp planned), as quite a few camping lots can not handle the power requirements.


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theo74 avatar image theo74 commented ·

What I mean is that a caravan normaly has a 12V installation for the lights, fridge, heater, etc. With a Multiplus II you'll need a 48V (domestic)battery in the caravan, which is normally also connected to the electric caravan installation.

And 48V power v.s. 12V loads is the issue. But if your electrical caravan installation is 100% 120V~ or 230V~, aswel as the loads, then a 48V battery is possible. But only to be charged by, and to supply the Multiplus II.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Ok, I see, a Multiplus would fit to the needs you have with e.g. power assistant, Battery charger etc... But maybe a Multiplus1 would also fit. There is a 12V/1600VA version available for about 540€. The question is, if this is enough for you with all the electrical loads? Might be to weak...

2 |3000

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atcamper avatar image
atcamper answered ·

Yes, would be to weak. I need the 2400 continous power of the Multiplus II (not always, but frequently enough). Will bite the bullet and get the 12V version. Thx

2 |3000

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theo74 avatar image theo74 commented ·

Why don't take the Multiplus 12|3000|120 then?

It can do 3000W/2400W continuous at 25 deg. C.

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atcamper avatar image atcamper theo74 commented ·
That would work, but at no price advantage compared to the II. Is there a technical advantage maybe?


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theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

Maybe it's the toroidal transformer which could be bigger/more expensive with 12V rectifiers.

You can always send Victron an e-mail, to ask them where this price difference is based on.

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