
michaelsamer avatar image
michaelsamer asked

Multplus II Settings Pylontech 4*US5000


as there's no template settings for the PT US5000: what are the advised settings for the inverter/charger settings for this type of battery? I will propably never use the charger but still the charging window and the floating voltage seems pretty important anyway. I plan to use the advised settings from VE which is load max. 52.0V; max charge 50A and DoD of 88% = SoC 12%.

What (voltage) settings should be used? The DC settings in the ESS seems pretty harsh when the LFP settings for external BMS is used.



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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Follow this guide and all the setup/settings,then it should work just fine:

The pylontech bms will force dvcc on and makes sure the batteries charge/discharge the right way

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gonzalor avatar image
gonzalor answered ·

4. GX Device Settings

When the Pylontech battery is connected to the BMS-Can port of a GX device (running v2.80 and later) the following DVCC settings will be set and enforced automatically.

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michaelsamer avatar image
michaelsamer answered ·

Hello Duivert NL & gonzalor

thanks for the link: those answers all the settings. While I already read it, it seems I jumped completely over the ESS Settings. Today I did set all the settings and used the ESS Assistent and reset floating+Absorption voltage after the assistent is finished. While the battery is at 50% SOC the L1 Multiplus (3phase) shows Low Voltage alarm. The MP II's have firmware 5.5.2.

Any Idea where to search?

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michaelsamer avatar image
michaelsamer answered ·

Solved: I reseted to defaults and did the config + ESS Assitent on all three MP's and error gone=>problem solved (whatever it was....)

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