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outsiders asked

BMV-702 shunt install on house bank with inverter

Hi. So I have installed successfully and have been using my BMV-702 on my house bank which consisted of 8 6v batteries in parallel/series. I used to have a separate bank for the inverter of 4 6v batteries in parallel/series but have decided to create one large bank. Now that I have done so the BMV-702 will only read the current output of the DC systems but not the output of the inverter or the charging input of the inverter/charger.

Right now the inverter has a positive and negative off the bank directly to the inverter and the main battery ground goes to the shunt and then out of the shunt to the main dc ground buss bar. How would I wire the shunt so that the inverter and house dc loads are both monitored?

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@outsiders, the inverter negative must be connected to the "loads" side of the shunt; likewise all DC load grounds / chassis grounds etc. The only thing connected to your battery bank negative should be the shunt; eeeeeevery single other negative/ground must be connected to the "loads" side of the shunt or connected to a NEG busbar that is connected only to the "loads" side of the shunt.

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outsiders avatar image
outsiders answered ·

Ok makes sense. I’ll make that change. Thanks for the quick response.

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