
rwall1016 avatar image
rwall1016 asked

Friend unable to login as confirmation link never came

I sent an invite link from one of the locations. The link email came and he began to register, however the captcha was one of those dumb "mark the buses" types that keeps repopulating endlessly. After about 5 times he refreshed the page to get a new captcha, by which the page announced registration was complete and a link would be sent to the email.

The email never arrived. Following other similar posts, we tried using a private browser session using the forgot password link, but that never arrives either.

How do we get further help here?

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I checked and the email bounced due to a validation issue (we made a change recently that was supposed to fix this, but the fix requires up to 28 days to fully propagate, so maybe was a single unlucky hit)

I requested the server attempt to resend - lets see if it works

Edit - the attempted resend has been marked as delivered, so please get your friend to check their email and it should be there.

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rwall1016 avatar image rwall1016 commented ·
Thanks, that worked!
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rwall1016 avatar image
rwall1016 answered ·

Adding an "answer" so I can reply with moderator only comment

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