
nick-bergs avatar image
nick-bergs asked

Victron system - Fuse sizes?

Hello friends,

I have created an electrical diagram for my new build and I am unsure about a few things, being:

  • Fuse sizes in the Lynx Distributor
  • Terminal fuse size on the 300 Ah - 12v - Li-Time 300Ah 12v LifePO4 battery
  • What type of switch/braker I can use to turn off the solar panels
  • If I should add a breaker box in between the Multiplus and the 230V appliances

In my build I will be using the following appliances:

  • 12V Fridge (1.3 amps/hr with 6.7 amps max)
  • 2x 12V Maxxfans
  • 12V small waterpump and accumulator
  • 12V LED Strips
  • 12V outlets for charging a phone
  • 230V device with max 1000watt (only one device at a time)

I believe that the wire sizes and the set-up itself is alright, but feedback is always more than welcome!


Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


MPPT ControllersMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfuseswiring diagram
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
@Nick Bergs

All the product manuals for your components have recommended wire and fuse sizing. So check them there. They give different cable gauge depending on lengths. So consider your install space and distance.

You can also work the v*a = w. W/V = A formula. (E.g. 1200/12 =100A)

Glad to see someone putting some though into their designs. I would definitely add isolation on in out and out put of the inverter and a bypass.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

The ac out definitly needs a breakerbox for loads, also 16mm2 for ac out is really big! 4mm2 is more the enough with a multiplus 1200

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

I doubt that 16mm² fit the inverter output terminals. I used 6mm² on a Quattro and that is the largest I could go as I recall.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


...this is for the multiplus compact.... I managed to fit much larger cable in my 12 1600. Low voltage is high amps.

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