
jan-thomassen avatar image
jan-thomassen asked

How can I se my gps tracks

Can I see it on a map in the Victron App ore Online Portal?
Ore is the only option to download the file and open it in Google Earth?

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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I download the kml file and view in Google Earth.

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

That is a nice idea and it should (but isn't yet) be easy to do using Node-RED and the VRM API node. I've created an issue there in order to do this. See

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jan-thomassen avatar image jan-thomassen commented ·

maybe next boar season?

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mesteve avatar image
mesteve answered ·

I click the download button, but all that downloads is an empty KML. The widget has been enabled, and the GPS antenna has been plugged in for over a month showing the correct GPS location.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

1. Please do not post the same post multiple times in different places.

2. Before you download the kml file, have you selected the timeframe you want the tracks recording in the time frame header at the top. I assume you are using the button below the map "Download the gps tracks"

3. Have you tried downloading your whole vrm data file for the required period to check that your gps coordinates are logged in there as they should be. Use the cloud button with down arrow at the top right of the advanced page.

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Did you select the time range first?

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