
thtruck avatar image
thtruck asked

Multiplus 24/5000/120 makes hard humming sound with and without load

Before i bought this 24/5000/120 i had a 24/3000/70-16 and that one didn't make a sound until there was some load on it but the 24/5000 starts to humm hard when i just switch it on without any load on. It is really dissapointing because i also sleep in the same aea. What can it be and what can be done with it?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Did you upgrade the dc wiring etc to match the new inverter?
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3 Answers
thtruck avatar image
thtruck answered ·

Yes. Over a distance of 1.7 meter to the powerin 70mm2 is sufficient according the manual. I think it is the transformator which is too loud. It produces also other sounds as clicking and stuff.

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thtruck avatar image
thtruck answered ·

I still have the 24/3000/70 and i will check if that one is still silent.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @THTruck

If you can and want to open it, maybe the transformer fixings are off from assembly, transport, etc and you can correct them.

The joy of LF inverters.... I have some APC UPSes with the same problem...


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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

Thanks you for your comment. The Multiplus is going back to Victron's dealer to check things out. I'll wait for the outcome.

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