
Chuck von Beck avatar image
Chuck von Beck asked

How do I see my battery remaining power on RPi

I have a multiplus 2x120. Ive installed a shunt and rasberry pi display. How do I see the remaining battery power? Note, I do see the power used.

battery status
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Did you install an actual battery monitor, or just a shunt?

If you installed a Victron battery monitor like a SmartShunt or BMV-712, you can find all the user manuals for them including the various displays, by clicking the product you installed and then "support and downloads":

If it was some other shunt that's possibly interfacing somehow with your RPi, let us know and I'll move this question over to the "Modifications" space for RPi things, as there are lots of people working with those systems over there!

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Chuck von Beck avatar image
Chuck von Beck answered ·

Justin, thanks for reminding me I have the victron smart shunt. I set the system up last year. And where I store it I can't get in side to mess with it. I'll pull it out Saturday for a trip and I need to know for a couple of nights of dry camping with AC. So now I'm remembering I may have setup the shunt, but can it show on the RV raspberry pi display?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
I suspect so, but that will be a question for the Modifications Space, as RPi isn't directly supported by Victron. I'll move this thread over there now so you can get input from other RPi users!
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