
ralphd avatar image
ralphd asked

Absorption time for LiFePo4 batteries

I have set my Multiplus II to an absorption voltage of 14.4V and a float voltage of 13.8 volt per the manufacturers recommendations for my LiFePo4 batteries. My question is what should the Absorption time, and the Repeated absorption time be set to?

Thank you,

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingLithium Batterylifepo
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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Lifepo4 batteries do not require more than a few minutes at absorption voltage. I'm assuming these are not managed batteries? (No comms from the batteries). Do they have Bluetooth or any other means of accessing individual cell voltages? What brand and model are the batteries? Most drop in lifepo4 without comms are going to have passive balancing which does not operate until the voltage is close to absorption. In this case, if you have no way to monitor individual cell voltages, it would be best to have some absorption time, maybe an hour. Without the specs of your batteries it's going to be difficult to give a more specific answer.

All that being said, you are likely to get a long list of differing opinions on this. It's like asking what is the best engine oil to use.

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ralphd avatar image
ralphd answered ·

Thanks Derrick. The batteries are LiTime 12.8V, 280Ah. I have three in parallel. There are no bluetooth coms to read the individual cells.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
You'll probably find that there's a minimum absorption time in the system that you cannot override.
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