
gagan-ranatunga avatar image
gagan-ranatunga asked

Using 2 generators as AC 1 and AC 2 on a Quattro 15kva

HI Can I use 2 generators at the same time on a quattro AC1 and AC2, I have a 5kva and 10kva and need to switch on both together and check. Any feedback?

Quattro-IIac charging
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Gagan Ranatunga

If that is AC input on one quattro then no.

A quattro will accept power on only one input. if it is receiving voltage on AC 1 in and AC 2 in it will prioritise ac1 in and reject ac2 in.

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gagan-ranatunga avatar image
gagan-ranatunga answered ·

HI @Alexandra , I have an issue with running the generator the lights flicker when I am increasing the current on AC input to 16A, I have unticked the dynamic current limiter, ticked ups dunction and ticked the weak ac input. Any feedback on this? it works with minimum flickering on 10As and flkickers alot on 16A

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Gagan Ranatunga

Check the frequency and voltage the generator puts out. You might need to adjust it if possible. (Engine speed under load is important)

Some lights, particularly leds are sensitive to lower than 50.

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gagan-ranatunga avatar image
gagan-ranatunga answered ·

@Alexandra So nothing to do with the quattro settings right? Can I untick the weak ac input or can I leave it as it is

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Gagan Ranatunga

Use weak ac if you think it will help with charging, but the lights flicker is voltage and frequency related.

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Related Resources

Quattro II Product page

Quattro II Online Manual

Pre-RMA bench test instructions.

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