Hello everyone,
I have a 80 V battery with a output current of 200 A.
I want to convert this to 230 V, but therefore I will first decrease the voltage to 24 V.
For that I want to use Orion 110/24-360W ( I wish I could Orion 110/48-360W but I can`t find it so probably it don`t exist).
Then I want to use the Phoenix 24/5000 to make 230Vac.
The problem is the current, because I don`t know if the orion can handle such high current.
I also don`t know what the output current of the orion is. And at least I also don`t know what the needed inputcurrent must be for the phoenix.
The idea of this is that with a 80V battery I can provide elektricity to a building in case of a black out. And for that I need a converting systeem from 80 Vdc to 230 Vac with high power. This systeem described above is the only way I could figure out so if anyone have a better idea pleas let me know.