
ulrikmailand avatar image
ulrikmailand asked

Multiplus 12/3000/120-16 acting weird


My multiplus has started acting a bit weird lately.

I makes a bigger humming sound than it used to and when i turn the inverter on is like at power comming out of it pulsates, not all the time but almost everytime especially the first 10 minutes it is on. On top of that it seems like the power it consumes just being idle has gone up from about 30 watts to around 50 watts.

Anyone with any idea what the issue can be ?

multiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

What batteries do you have? Usually the humming is the transformers trying to saturate. If the DC cant do it it will struggle.

Either batteries or loose dc connections....

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ulrikmailand avatar image ulrikmailand Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Running on litthium, the setupo has been working with no issues for 3 years. Haven't charged from land power in a while though, could that be the issue ?

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