
laffy avatar image
laffy asked

2x50c lifeco4s help setup with mobility scooter?

Good day I own a pride Maxima scooter and I've upgraded to 2 x 50c lifepo4 batteries. As of now they are in parallel so 24v. Thing is the scooter uses two inputs one for each battery.. I'm trying to install a victron smart shunt ip65 and I don't think it's connected right..

battery one

- neg = shunt battery in and neg From scooter input 1 and neg from charger cable

- pos = shunt power as well the stunts aux (temp) cable and cable that Pairs with battery 2s Neg. (Setup as parallel) and pos from scooter input 1

Battery two

- neg = cable that pairs with pos battery 1 (setup as parallel) and neg from scooter input 2

- pos = pos from scooter input 2 and pos from charger cable

victron smart shunt ip65

(Also own the shunt aux temp cable)

- Neg battery cable to battery one neg

- neg source (charger) not connected as I don't know what to add? I tried taking the scooter neg input 1 and 2 and hooked it to this but scooter did not turn on ..

I also tried taking the neg from my charger cable and hooked it to the stunt beg source and i could see the current voltage from my charger

but I want to see what my scooters withdraw current and consumed ah is...

I'm at a loss .. the main issue is that each battery(2) has its own input pos and neg harness than the scooter takes this and puts battery's to 12x2=24v.

The stunt sees the voltage at 27.6 (ish) but can't see the current or the consumed ah..( again nothing is hooked to the stunts neg source)

I also can see the battery temp

I hope you all can understand this .

Is their a 1800 support number I could call for help?

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

2x 12V Batterys in parallel dont make 24V, amps are doubled

Only in series you will get 24v

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

It is a bit difficult to understand your description, a picture of the battery connections would help.

Basically you need to put everything back to how it was originally, then remove any wires that go to the negative on battery 1 and connect the shunt to the negative battery terminal. Then connect the wires that you disconnected from the terminal to the other side of the shunt. Nothing but the shunt should be on the negative of battery 1. The power wire for the shunt should go to the positive of battery 2.

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