
Joe avatar image
Joe asked

New issue with Firmware 3.33 (Lost BMS every night 0:10h)


I am living with the Error 067 for 2 years now, losing my MPPTs regularly and can solve this only with reboot.

But since upgrading to the newest FW 3.33 I have a serious new problem:

Venus seems to reset the Can0 connected BMS from my correct setting "CAN-Bus BMS (500 Kbit/s) back to the first device in the list "VE.Can & Lynx Ion VMS (250 Kbit/s).

After changing back to the correct CAN-BUS BMS 500 Kbit/s setting, everything works like a charme immediately without the need of a reboot.

This behaviour started after updating the FW to the latest 3.33 and happends every day, at least at night at 0:10, but in the meantime also in the morning and during the day. The result is "no BMS found" = low Battery Voltage and then a partly not working system. (Error still exists after rolling back to former FW version).

Does anybody have the same experience / solution for this behaviour?


Thank you in advance!

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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What battery/BMS is this?

Have you made any modifications to the GX code - third party drivers etc?

If the problem remains after a rollback, it isn't the new version.

Please be clear about your setup and configuration and provide details.

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Joe avatar image Joe commented ·

Hi Nick,

the BMS is a REC-BMS 16s. The battery did work for 2 years now and the only change that has been made is the update of the Venus OS. No other parameter, hardware/software has been changed.

As I do not know how to make modifications to the code, I would say: no

BMS info

Software version:


Hardware version:


I found other guys in the forum with "BMS lost" at night ~0:10 - 0:17h, so I do not seem to be the only one facing the issue.

Just recognized that I have de-activated alarm-logging. Now activated again and will add information as soon as I have some.

To be precise: Venus does not "lose" the connection to the BMS. Venus does set the CAN0 device to the first entry in the menu every night which is the reason for no longer recognizing my BMS. As soon as I change the setting to the correct value, the BMS is re-considered and the system works again.

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered · promised: I can sit in front of the device. Today 0:05 I got this blank screen again:


At least the system did not change the BMS setting again.

VRM reported a problem at 00:09h:

1719267052664.pngThe error is reproducable, occurs every night between 00:05 - 00:10h.

Restart solves the issue until next 24 hours then.

BMS still connected, packets keep counting:

1719267193539.pngAny clue what the issue might be leading to "low battery alert"? Within the first days, the system overwrote the CAN Bus setting which then clearly led to losing the BMS.

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

...and just found this one:


1719267374759.png (107.0 KiB)
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

I assume a Cerbo and you use the BMS can port with the REC bms and Lynx on the VE.Can port? I take it you have done the usual hw checks such as terminators, cables etc.?

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Ludwig Hoogstoel avatar image
Ludwig Hoogstoel answered ·

No answer but confirming that we too have “lost BMS” alarms but after switching the Quattro from inverter to charger. Complete reboot fixes it…until it happens again.

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