
jvdspoel avatar image
jvdspoel asked

Cerbo Relay

Hi, I would like to use my Cerbo's relay 1 with the Tank pump Menu function. Then I would like to use Relay 2 with the Gen Start stop functionality. Currently I see it is either the one or the other. Can it be done or perhaps are the developers are looking at including this?

Thanking in advance

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jvdspoel avatar image jvdspoel commented ·
Hi, I looked up using Node-red as a option - and that is probably the way in accomplishing with regard to my question. Problem is to get to use and understand Node-Red is not that simple - and for the average user it becomes more of a challenge - But by including the relay 1 and 2 options with the functionality as defined in the current Cerbo's options will make the life of the end users who are not that technically that astute very easy
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