
motorheadrulz avatar image
motorheadrulz asked

DVCC vs solar/wind- which takes priority?

Newbie here. I just installed a complete RV system- Multiplus, 600W solar, MPPT, Ekrano, 12V/450 AHr lead acid batt bank.

I'm still tweaking some config settings, but have a question:

If I have the solar/wind option enabled, and then if I turn on DVCC- which feature will take priority for charging the batts, or will one disable the other, or will this make them fight it out? I can't find anything in the manuals that show the priorities/schema.

Goal: to direct use more solar when available and still maintain the batts throughout the night. I typically don't run any heavy loads- just a couple lights, furnace (12V + propane), fridge. I can run the generator if needed for the air conditioner.

Any recommendations? Thanks in advance, MHR

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Lead acid batteries do not have the full features of DVCC enabled. From the manual

Lead-acid batteries: For systems with lead-acid batteries, DVCC offers features such as a configurable system-wide charge current limit, where the GX device actively limits the inverter/charger if the solar chargers are already charging at full power.....

so you would have to set a charge current limit to make the solar have priority. You should enable DVCC anyway if you have a BMV or SmartShunt for current, voltage and temperature sharing so all chargers are working off the same data.

If you set DVCC without a current limit when at absorption or float the controllers will sort it out between themselves. Personally I have not used the wind/solar priority feature, what I have done on my boat is set the absorption and float voltages on the MPPT 0.1V higher than the inverter and alternator (say 14.5/14.4 and 13.7/13.6V). This gives the solar priority. If there is enough solar to get to 14.5V then the inverter will not do any charging because the voltage is too high. If the solar can not get to 14.4V then the inverter tops up. This is not true wind/solar priority.

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