
smoothfroggy avatar image
smoothfroggy asked

VenusOS / Exclude OrionXS/VEdirect from DVCC

I would be very grateful if I could be directed on ways to exclude from DVCC an OrionXS connected to a VenusOS via VEdirect.

The rationale behind this demand follows:

  • System description
    • Main battery LiFePO4 + ABMS ; charged by dedicated alternator and PV (MPTT 100/20)
    • Small battery ; charged by OrionXS
    • VenusOS :
      • RaspberryPI
      • In charge of main battery through CAN communication with ABMS ; DVCC active
      • OrionXS hooked via VEdirect for monitoring only. The OrionXS should not be driven by the DVCC related to main battery but should keep using its internal charge algorithm.

I would be grateful if I could be adviced on the most appropriate way to exclude the OrionXS from the charge control associated to DVCC while keeping the possibility to monitor it via VEdirect. Is there a mechanism in dbus-systemcalc delegates or within the settings of VenusOS that can be leveraged to exclude a device ?

Best regards,


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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Since the only other device controlled by the DVCC is the mppt there i would suggest removing the bms control from DVCC (an easier option). Then all are monitored none are controlled except by their internal algos.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·


To add: we’ll come with a good solution for this in Venus OS.

But not sure when yet, until then remove the BMS from DVCC, disable DVCC if possible, or disconnect the Orion XS from Venus OS.

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smoothfroggy avatar image
smoothfroggy answered ·


Thanks for the reply. I'll investigate that path but the BMS (REC-ABMS) is the one providing/sharing current and cell bank voltage to VenusOS via CAN and hence to MPPT via VEdirect. Disabling it would somewhat deprive MPPT from this data wouldn't it ?



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smoothfroggy avatar image
smoothfroggy answered ·


Thanks for the heads up. Please, for the sake of understanding, could you elaborate on what is on tracks within VenusOS to address such situation.

Best regards,


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rkapsi avatar image
rkapsi answered ·


I have a somewhat similar situation and I think the problem can be refined a little bit further. It's not a question of DVCC but a question of what the Orion is charging / where is it drawing energy from?

I have a LiFePO4 House Battery (210Ah) that is charged directly from the Alternator (WS500) and a small (only 10Ah) Engine Battery (also LiFePO4) which I'm charging from the House Battery using the Orion XS. When I connect the Orion to my Cerbo GX with VE.Direct it's not just falsely applying the DVCC but from the Cerbo's perspective it's charging the House Battery.

IMHO the Orion needs to differentiate between being a Charger or being a Load in respect to the Battery Bank that is being monitored by the Venus device. In charger mode it'd be probably a good feature to have to be able to suppress DVCC and in load mode you don't want DVCC at all.

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