
florian-g avatar image
florian-g asked

Restore SSH configuration


unfortuantelly I messed up the sshd_config file in one line and I am not able to log into the Multiplus II via SSH (bad idea and I wouldn't recommend doing so :-)

I tried to set PasswordAuthentication to "no" without leaving keys on the device. It leads to an error ("no supported authentication methods available").

Is there a way to change the file on a locale console connection?

Or is the file restored by a firmware-update (currently running 3.1., I have a backup of v. 2.92, v3.33 is available).

Thank you very much and best regards,


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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I presume you mean ssh to the GX as the multiplus does not directly support IP?

Some files may well be restored after an update or even a reboot, not sure about this one though.

This is why you are warned about tinkering as root.

Worse case you can run the reset to factory process which is now documented in the current manuals or available via a search on the subject.

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florian-g avatar image
florian-g answered ·

Thank you very much for youre advice.

Actually it is a Multipuls II GX.

If the firmware update doesn't change the file I will do a factory reset.

Best regards!

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Anything outside the /data folder will be updated / rewritten by a firmware update.

So, if you're wrongly modified file is outside /data, it will be fixed by a firmware update.

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