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victronvalhowell6283 asked

Issue with Dedicated Ignore AC Virtual Switch leaving batteries at low SOC

I am trying to use the virtual switch Dedicated ignore AC input to prioritize solar over shore power. System is a single phase 3000/120 Multiplus and several Victron MPPT solar controllers with BMV712, Cerbo and GX50.

Each evening when solar fades the batteries kick in and invert as expected. When the SOC reaches 70% the battery charger goes into float (not bulk as expected) and then only for a short time. See attached photos for more clarity. I am trying to understand (and correct) this so when the 70% SOC is reached it will fully charge the system.

BTW, the 70% SOC is set high for now so I can monitor the system without doing any harm to the batteries. It will be set lower when functioning properly.


virtual switch
2 |3000

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE Configure/Virtual Switch

Ignore AC input using the Generator Assistant