
hans818 avatar image
hans818 asked

Version V551

Version V551 installed yesterday, system pumps power all day long, out through L1 and in through L2 and L3. D-ESS predictions are no longer executed. Grid disconnected to give the installation some rest....


gr Hans


Multiplus-IIdynamic ess
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Did you reapply the config?

Why did you update to 551? Changing versions to the latest for no reason can invite problems.

Don't update unless you need new functionality or a documented fix.

Rollback to the older version.

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hans818 avatar image
hans818 answered ·

Yes was not so good idea , i never rolled back before , i dont know or the ess assisant was updated in the mean time or i introduce the next problem. yes i did re-apply the config

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Just download the older file from and update it using the "manual file" option. Reapply config.

Quite easy,

There have been some reports of issues with 551, would suggest you hold of on it for now.

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hans818 avatar image
hans818 answered ·

Hi solved, till now, de ess assisents where not good configed in L2 and L3 (save and load dus not seems to work correct)

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