
mw-solar avatar image
mw-solar asked

ET112 over LAN

Hi Guys

New here.

First of all is it possible to recognise an ET112 over a LAN network?

I am sure I read it was an option via Modbus TCP/UDP devices but cannot find the document again.

I currently have a ET112 ESS Grid Meter setup via a ZigBee but would prefer a solid connection as it frequently drops out.

I'm aware I could run a hard wired connection, but I am looking at options as the WiFi RSSI to the system location is very poor too.

My SWA AC feed to the system is good, but I am trying to avoid running another 2x SWA cat6 if possible as they run underground, and instead sending a LAN network out there wirelessly, or via a powerline adaptor?

I've installed 10 or so Victron ESS systems, this one is for my own property, and I am quite keen to experiment on the network side of things if it's possible as I have little experience on this side of things.

I'm aware Fronius and apparently SolarEdge can be setup in a similar way over network but I normally wire AC PV through a separate ET112.

Really just a learning curve and looking for advice and to expand my knowledge moving forward on the network side of things.

Any advice much appreciated

TCP IP Networking
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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

It doesnt have lan, so no

You could use rs485 to lan and lan to rs485 transceivers, but if it will work…

An other option is the EM24 ethernet version

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mw-solar avatar image
mw-solar answered ·

Thank you. Annoying as the ET112 has RJ45 ports.

I will give the transceiver option a go and update if it works.

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Galin Radoslavov avatar image
Galin Radoslavov answered ·

RJ45 ports are RS485 only

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @MW-Solar

You can use RS485 to TCP/IP devices (one at each end to convert from RS485 to IP and then back to RS485). Waveshare sells these, my current setup is using 2 of them to achieve this. Happy to share more details if you go that route.

Or you alternatively I've seen others on here use RS485 to modbus tcp and using a custom driver to integrate.

However if you've not already bought it then a lan based energy meter might be easier/more robust/less points of failure.

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