
brad-mc avatar image
brad-mc asked

Multiplus in parallel setup

I'm about to set my two multiplus units in parallel but have a question regarding the VEBus ports.

I have a cerbo GX and a multicontrol. With only 2 VEBus ports on each unit, and one unit as the master the other as the slave, how do i connect both the cerbo and the multicontrol to the parallel setup.

Is it simply the multicontrol and the linking UTP cable (ie to the slave) in the Master and then the Cerbo and other end of the UTP in the slave?

Many thanks in advance


multiplus in parallel
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4 Answers
lurch avatar image
lurch answered ·

On the Ve.Bus they just daisy chain together, in no particular order. when your connections are done, you'll have 2 open ports, nothing goes in them. The Ve.Can ports, the open connections get the terminating resistors

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Cerob to master to slave to multicontrol.

Everything on the same bus can communicate regardless of what is is directly connected to.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Just connect the multicontrol to on of the ve bus ports on the cerbo, and the other to the first multiplus and from first multiplus to second multiplus

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brad-mc avatar image
brad-mc answered ·

So this is the out come - pls forgive the crude drawing with my kids pencils!!!


img-1512.jpeg (2.8 MiB)
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
Yes that will work
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