
davidtudor avatar image
davidtudor asked

Victron Multiplus ii V551


my system has just come up with V551 update required, does anyone know what this is?

firmware update
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4 Answers
davidtudor avatar image
davidtudor answered ·

screen shot


1718104833551.png (42.0 KiB)
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Erling Anderberg avatar image
Erling Anderberg answered ·

Fount this in the changelog 551:

  • Adjusted some regulation constants for the standard MultPlus/Quattro’s (non Multiplus-II devices) to solve the issue that in some installations the requested power setpoint was not followed for no apparent reason.
  • Gridcodes for Spain, South-Africa, Denmark and New Zealand (NZS4777M) are made available for non Multplus-II devices (external IP protection required!!)

Some under the hood improvements.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Do not update unless you need the functionality or are addressing a problem.

This is a notice to let you know a later version is available, it is not an instruction to update it.

If a system is working fine, leave it.

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bart-champagne avatar image
bart-champagne answered ·

Until I see an official announcement, I'm not updating.
There's a good chance the configuration tools need an update first.
Unsure if anybody has tested this yet.

Edit: I just tested it and the VEConfigure tools don't need updating.
My test system is now running v551, will be rolling this one out further and if I encounter irregularities I'll report back.

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