
idunne avatar image
idunne asked

menu readings solar

screenshot-20240611-102238.pngi have a victron mppt 100/30 on the bluetooth app when i go into status and the history it does not show the bar graph and yield and min all use to 2 weeks back but not showing now see pic

et112 pv readings
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


It's not producing anything worthwhile. If it's permanently connected to the battery, then the 0.00V battery minimums suggest a really bad connection. Bad fuse or something??..

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idunne avatar image
idunne answered ·

checked all wireing all ok fuse ok ...reinstalled the app its charging ok just no graph bars and yield and min showing the only thing i can do now is take the solar cut off switch box off and do a str8 fix to mppt...

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