
konstantinvyaznikov avatar image
konstantinvyaznikov asked

Schematics for Victron MPPT for water heating using Victron BMV 712 SOC sensor


I am looking for schematics of using Victron MPPT charger from solar and using BMV 712 controller to turn of/off relay based on SOC. I want to start to heat water in water tank on a boat, when batteryies are charged, let's say on 95% and stop charging on 85%.
Sorry for simple and beaten question, but I cannot find an anser.

Kind regards.

victron community
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2 Answers
eljefe avatar image
eljefe answered ·

I control my dump load controllers using the NO/COMMON on the BMV712. No need to incorporate the charge controller. Sorry, I don't have the schematic available but it was pretty simple. Actually, it was more time consuming to setup the temperature controllers than it was the 712.

Do you also have a Cerbo?

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konstantinvyaznikov avatar image
konstantinvyaznikov answered ·

Thanks. No, I do not have Cerbo. But how will I charge battery without charge controller?
And how Cerbo can help me. As I understand it is minitoring device.

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