
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v3.40~39 available for testing

UPDATE 2024-07-17: Venus OS v3.40 has been officially released. See the announcement for details. Thank you all for your help! Venus OS v3.50~1 is expected to be available shortly. For those GX devices configured to beta versions, we leave them to v3.40~39, which is the same as the official release except that it has gui-v2; and the official release does not.

Good evening!

Here is a new fresh thread for the v3.40 beta tests.

We're coming closer and closer to an official release for gui-v2. Aside from the usual smaller improvements, this one has two slightly larger ones:

  1. Networking (WiFi, LAN) can now be set-up via gui-v2
  2. Multi RS is better supported

Any comments on those are appreciated! And also hereby a big thank you for all input and comments. Its really a herculean task to re-implement the UI of Venus OS, and without all your input it would have never been possible to get it to todays state.

The rest of this post is similar to the old one, except for small updates and ofcourse a completed change log.

All the best, Matthijs

Main highlight: our new UI, gui-v2 beta


Available in public beta testing for several months already; and receiving continuous updates and progress towards official release.

The details:

  • It is still in beta, porting all the features and functions of the old UI over to the new one is an enormous task, and I expect that to take several more months.
  • Beta testing is best done using a browser, http://<ipaddress>/gui-beta. And you need to enable the MQTT on LAN (Plaintext) setting for that to work, but having it on screen on an Ekrano GX as well as GX Touch is possible as well.
  • More screenshots and details are in this presentation:

  • Known issues - no need to give comments or answers on these, they are being worked on:
    • Keyboard navigation is not yet supported in the Remote Console
    • Drill down for AC loads, showing the split between normal and critical loads is not available yet
    • Solar and wind priority controls are missing.
    • The arcs aka gauges on both brief page and overview page don't work well yet.
    • Various other things.

Instructions: Venus OS beta testing & how to join/install

In case you don't know what this message is about, please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program. Venus OS is the software running on all our GX devices, such as the Cerbo GX.

Instructions: How to post an issue?

By posting an answer below. Do please keep all findings organised: one answer issue per issue. So first check the existing threads if your issue has already been seen. And if it does, add a comment saying "me too". And preferably some more details. And in case its not listed yet, add a new Answer.

Note that Answers and Comments are two different things on this portal.

Lastly, before posting issues, preferably first revert to the latest official release, to double check if the issue you're seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs.

And include information about the results/differences in behaviour in your report.

Instructions: Node-RED, Kevin’s GuiMods or other add-ons?

In case you are running Node-RED or SignalK, then please at least say so in your bug report.

GuiMods and other 3rd party add-ons: don’t report your gui issues here. Do it elsewhere instead.

Changes made by us can cause a compatibility issue with the GuiMods; and these betas report pages are for official firmware only.

Change log


  • Fix dbus-serialbattery and possibly other 3rd party add ons no longer working since v3.40~38. The change made in velib_python per v3.40~38 has now been amended to be backwards compatible.
  • Any code using velib-python to export data to dbus is recommend to (a) update to the latest version of it, (b) call the VeDbusService constructor using register=False, and then add an explicit call to the new register() method, after adding all paths; especially /DeviceInstance which is part of the add_mandatory_paths call().
  • Note that the lower level Venus OS API of dbus has not changed. The only thing that changed was the velib_python library, and how code that uses it needs to interface to it.
  • Also note that all Victron projects that use velib-python carry their own copy of it; we recommend third party add-ons to do the same.
  • Further details here:, and Venus OS dbus API is documented here:


  • Genset start/stop: fix issue where the menus in the GUI sometimes didn't work; depending on start-up time, CPU speed, and so forth. Issue has been in Venus OS since a long time - mostly unnoticed.
  • Generic stability improvements

Venus OS Large

  • signalk-server: update all plugins as well as all other (less visible) nodejs packages to their latest version. The server itself is still at the latest official release, v2.8.3


  • gui-v1: update translations
  • Multi RS: stability improvements


  • gui-v1: Don't show input-side loads if the ESS setting "Grid Metering" is set to "Inverter/Charger" (introduced in v3.40~14). Thank you @Markus for reporting!


  • Parallel battery system: force enable DVCC.
  • Multi RS: fix missing data when using VictronConnect remotely (No feed-in reason and AC-in connect countdown)
  • Lynx Smart BMS NG: Fix error messages.

Venus OS Large:

  • NodeJS / Victron VRM API node:
    • create url for fetching widget data correctly
    • feature: add fetching gps tracks


  • Add "Parallel battery system", a new feature for Lynx Smart BMS and Lynx BMS NG to be announced soon. For preliminary details, see Lynx Smart BMS change log. Includes showing "Pending" in gui-v1 for BMS-es that are part of a parallel system and are holding of on connection due to the voltage difference between the system and their own battery bank . gui-v2 will be updated later with regards to parallel Lynx BMSes.
  • DVCC: Enforce good settings for ZYC and Pytes batteries


  • Multi RS: various bug fixes
  • Modbus-TCP: add registers 1320 to 1324, related to Lynx Smart BMS NG

Venus OS Large

  • nodejs updated from v18.18.0 -> v18.20.3
  • signalk-server v2.8.2 -> v2.8.3


  • Improve stability of Multi RS read out
  • Improve wording visible for VE.Direct port scanning while doing remote firmware update listing on VRM.


  • Fix UI locking up and showing green square as well as Remote Console not working.
  • Multi RS: hide Dynamic ESS options for firmware versions that don’t support that yet (that feature under development in the RS - no public testing yet).
  • Multi RS: show grid parallel overview for systems with Multi RS & Victron Energy Meter.
  • Multi RS: Add AC Input item to device list entry.
  • Multi RS: Add short circuit alarm (inverter output).
  • Meterboost batteries: add BMS ip address to menu entry.
  • Dynamic ESS: clamp minimum used battery efficiency value to 50%, to prevent user errors causing issues in calculations.

v3.40~27, 28 and 29

  • gui-v2 beta
    • Add Modbus TCP/UDP device settings
    • Add AC charger settings
    • UI changes for genset settings
    • Show DC flow for Multi RS and Inverter RS
    • CAN Profiles: add the High Voltage CAN bus as an option
    • Hide controlling BMS setting if BMS is unavailable
    • Calculate tank average level from capacities, not levels
    • Avoid duplicate multi devices on the Control cards page
    • MQTT: ensure the portal id parameter is set before connecting
    • Disable SD/USB card eject button during firmware installation
    • Flicking improvements to the Control card page
    • Fixes to device firmware version labels, e.g. non-Victron Can Bus BMS
    • Fix broken password character on GX devices
    • Fix firmware update toasts on launch
    • Fix AC export current switch label
    • Fix wrong unit on EVCS energy label on the Overview page
    • Allow setting ESS scheduled charging level to 100%
    • Updated translations
  • gui: improvements to genset menu (DSE, ComAp), (also released as v3.33)


  • Fix bug in peak shaving / AC export current limit feature:
    • PV feedin was not limited optionally in case the peak shaving option was set to "Above minimum SOC only", instead of "Always".


  • Add settings for UPS, boost factor and Inverter voltage. This replaces the same registers added earlier, since they didn't work properly. In the new implementation, the registers control these settings for all devices in the VE.Bus system.
    • 106: Boostfactor
    • 107: Inverter output voltage
    • 108: PowerAssist enabled yes/no
    • 109: UPS function enabled yes/no

Venus OS Large - Node-RED

Internal / under the hood:

  • Lynx Smart BMS & Lynx Smart BMS NG: parallel feature: fix not being able to manually select the Lynx parallel BMS in the DVCC menu. This relates to a new feature coming in a future firmware version of these BMSes.
  • Further preparations on Multi RS related functionality for a future RS firmware version (ESS / Dynamic ESS)
  • EVCS: prepare for remote access via VRM to the EVCS settings pages
  • Linux kernel: add various netfilter modules needed for Tailscale when using its subnet routing feature.


  • gui-v2 v0.3.4
    • Add support for RS system
    • Add passthrough support for Inverter/Charger mode dialogs
    • Improvements to solar tracker history and dialog
    • Performance improvements to the Brief and Overview pages
    • Ethernet and Wi-Fi network settings can now be accessed from the browser
    • Usability improvements to Wi-Fi settings
    • Avoid Android keyboard opening repeatedly after text input
    • Use 5" inch layout when opening gui-v2 on a mobile browser (tablets and desktop still use 7" layout)
    • Show total capacity and number of connected BMSes for Lynx parallel BMS
    • Show absolute value on bar gauges when feeding power to the grid
    • MQTT: Require portal id for VRM connections
    • Close side panel when detecting high CPU usage
    • Fix battery charging animation


  • Revert gui-v2 back to v0.3.2, same as v3.40~21. Fixes it not working via VRM.


  • New gui-v2
  • MQTT: limit full republishes in response to a keep alive to max three per second. Fixes our servers being “hammered” as a result of bugs in third party / diy code bases that connect to our MQTT brokers in VRM.
  • MQTT: don’t send data to VRM brokers in case its requested from local LAN, reduces unnecessary internet traffic & load.

Known issue: gui-v2 doesn’t work on VRM. On local LAN it does work.


  • fix auto start/stop not working for Ethernet connected gensets (DSE, ComAp). Was broken per v3.40~17.


  • Connected gensets, ie. Fischer Panda, DSE, ComAp: improve menu structure. See also the picture at the bottom.



  • Fore enable DVCC on for the Lynx Smart BMS NG.

gui-v2 beta:

  • BMS autoselection setting now reports correct values in DVCC settings
  • Fix Generator start/stop conditions showing invalid values
  • Fix regression that hid some labels in the settings
  • Fix Inverter/Charger input settings showing stale values
  • Touch parameters tuned to make flicks more light-weight
  • Improve battery widget contrast on light style on the Overview page
  • Number formatting aligned to always show "." decimal point to fix some text input issues
  • Various fixes and improvements upstreamed from the gui-v1 side:
    • Added Dynamic ESS settings page
    • Handle short circuit alarm for RS products
    • Show "Grid setpoint" setting also in keep charged mode in ESS settings
    • Add separate settings page for peak shaving and AC import/export
    • Some improvements for Lynx Smart BMS support, e.g. display balancer
    • status and errors
    • Hide unused details on the Battery details page

Venus OS Large

Developer / internal

  • Multi RS comms driver changes, preparing for future features of the Multi RS;


  • Generator start/stop: add sending of both alarms (see v3.40~18 changelog entry) to vrm. This feature is now - finally! - complete. Both locally and remotely on VRM there is a notification in case its forgotten to put the genset, in one way or another, back to auto start mode.
  • Energy Meters: make firmware version visible on VRM.


  • FlashMQ v1.13.1: stability improvements for an edge case


  • Generator start/stop: fix "Alarm when generator is not in auto start mode". This functionality was broken per Venus OS v3.20, released per February this year. Since then, it only worked for system with a "digitally connected" generator panel, like DSE, ComAp, Fischer Panda. And no longer for the most common use case: GX relay driven start/stop.
  • Add a separate alarm to monitor if the generator allows remote starts. Works only for generator panels aka generator start/stop controllers that support that, like DSE, ComAp, Fischer Panda.

    Note that this second alarm doesn't show up in VRM yet, that's for coming beta versions.

Screenshot of the setting:


Screenshot of the two possible alarms. Depending on what issue there is, either one of them or both might show:



  • gui-v1
    • Remove buy and sell modes from Dynamic ESS
    • Add monthly option to ESS Scheduled Charge levels menu
    • Don't show system state (# codes) when system in ESS mode External Control; since they are not actually used and thus confusing
  • EV Charging Station:
    • Update list of statusses for charging in gui-v1
  • Tank sensors & temp sensors
    • Change tank/temp error "disconnected" to open circuit
    • Fix tank settings flapping in quite special use case
    • Support factory calibration of temperature inputs
  • gui-v2
    • Disallow tapping AC Input box on the Overview page when no AC input is connected
    • Fix tapping of AC Input box opening empty page if there is no grid meter
    • Fix overlap when there are 5 widgets on the Brief page side panel
    • Fix overlapping Overview boxes on some layouts on Cerbo GX
    • Fix tank gauge levels sometimes trailing actual values
    • Fix tank gauges drawing outside its container on the Levels page
    • Fix random crash caused by tank bar gauge animations
    • Fix opening of energy meter settings
    • Fix gui-v2 getting stuck if alarm was received and settings dialog was open
    • Fix fuzzy icons and gauges when opening gui-v2 on browser on high DPI screens
    • Fix splash screen flicker on Ekrano GX and on the browser
    • Always launch splash in dark style to reduce flicker on the browser (local LAN network version, doesn't affect VRM)
    • Digital inputs: Add type for touch input control (allows wiring a button to a digital input to enable/disable touch screen)
    • Make spin box button repeat less sensitive to avoid unintentional changes
    • Don't allow flicking beyond vertical list bounds
    • Fix text field placeholder text truncations on some languages
    • Updated translations

Protocols / connectivity:

  • Modbus-TCP: various, will be expanded later

Developers / internals:

  • Report on D-Bus if EVCC is installed (see github for what EVCC is)


  • Gui-v1
    • fix notifications not being shown as acknowledged. Probably introduced per v3.30 (also released in v3.32)
    • Remove Alternator power (if measured separately by for example a SmartShunt configured to do that, or a connected Wakespeed, or Integrel) from value shown in the DC System box. This means the overview no longer shows that value - not perfect in gui-v1, but for that the solution is to use gui-v2 instead, since that shows alternators separately.
  • Integrel E-Power: increase robustness wrt querying the Integrel system for the name, typically used to distinguish between the Port and Starboard E-Power.
  • RV-C: Fix bug that causes crashes and restarts + RV-C Out Tank feature. (also released in v3.32)
  • gui-v2 v0.3.0 (ARM + Webassembly)
    • Improvements to the Brief page side panel graphs and gauges
    • Split AC/DC input section into AC and DC parts on the side panel
    • ESS feed-in indication improvements in the Brief and Overview pages
    • Inverter / Charger mode setting now allows "Inverter only" or "Charger only" options for multi devices
    • Adjustments to voltage precision rules (DC = 2 decimals, AC = 0, low/high cell voltage = 3)
    • If amps is as the preferred unit, show amps for solar whenever possible
    • AC input device settings cover CRE and DEIF genset controllers
    • Updated translations
  • VE.Can driver: Add support for Energy Solutions SmartSwitch. This is a VE.Can enabled 4-channel digital switching device. Each channel can be configured as momentary/digital/dimming output or as input (active high/low). Note that there is no onwards support yet in for example gui-v2 or Node-RED or similar.

Venus OS Large:

Low level / developers:

  • FlashMQ v1.13.0 & dbus-flashmq v5
    • Fix connection to VRM not reconnecting/restorigng in a certain edge case. (also released in v3.32)
    • Don't publish Bluetooth pincode out over MQTT.

v3.40~14 and v3.40~15

  • Gui-v1
    • Hide the History submenu on the battery page if the battery does not support history
    • Hide the module level alarms menu on the battery page if the battery does not support it
    • Various improvements related to visualisation and control of Multi RS systems.
    • In systems without a managed battery, hide the Controlling BMS selection. This avoids confusion in systems with a different kind of BMS (VE.Bus, two signal) where the user might be confused.
    • fix a long time bug (present since Venus 3.00, when BMS selection was introduced) where the BMS selection was offered even when DVCC is not enabled.
    • Fix how the system peak shaving options work
      • They are no longer locked out if the peak shaving option is not set to Always (it works with both settings)
      • The settings are always shown, but not enabled if they can't be used
      • Some useful text shows up explaining why they are not enabled.
  • EasySolar-II GX and MultiPlus-IO GX recent hardware series that have a VE.Can port: fix communication with Pylontech Force-L2 (also released in v3.32)
  • gui-v2 v0.2.19 (ARM + WebAssembly)

    • Add missing battery self-consumption setting to ESS settings
    • Show dashes when Brief page battery value is invalid
    • Fix random issue of opening pages with status and nav bar hidden
    • Avoid label overlap on the Overview page battery widget
    • Add explanation to Electrical power display that watts may still be shown even when amps is preferred
    • Prevent Levels page from disappearing when changing mock configs
    • Don't translate relative humidity (RH) abbrevation.
  • ESS Peakshaving: Fix issue where maximum import current did not always work correctly when Peak Shaving was set to "Above Minimum Soc only". This only affected the import current limit, not the export current.

Venus OS large:

  • Update signalk-venus-plugin from v1.34.1 to v1.35.0: adds alternator FieldDrive

v3.40~11, v3.40~12 and v3.40~13

Managed batteries

  • Fix issue that causes Freedomwon batteries to sometimes disappear after a reboot, causing the Inverter/charger and other components to show "Error 67 - no BMS". In more technical terms: we fixed an issue that caused the BMS-Can interface to somtimes hang on high traffic during boot. (also released in v3.32)
    • The issue and fix only involve the BMS-Can interface on the Cerbo GX as well as the earlier EasySolar-II GX and MultiPlus-II GX production that had a BMS-Can interface.
    • CAN ports marked as VE.Can are not affected. Therefore the new Cerbo GX MK2, Ekrano GX, as well as later production of the EasySolar-II GX and MultiPlus-II GX that have a VE.Can port, rather than a BMS-Can port, are all not affected.
    • This is a relatively new problem, since the high traffic is caused by a recent BMS Firmware/Profile released by Freedomwon since late 2023.
    • We're not aware of any other batteries that have the same issue; and if there were then that problem is now also solved.
    • For any system/user/installer with a Freedomwon battery, we recommend to await an official release of Venus OS that includes this fix - if testing goes well then we expect to make the official release in June at the latest. For systems that can't wait, either install this beta version or contact Freedomwon to install an updated BMS profile (requires USB connection, laptop + remote access by Freedomwon).
    • Thank you to Warwick C. and other South African professionals for highlighting this and helping to get to the bottom of this. Fixing this in Venus OS was quite involved, and much appreciated since updating Venus OS is the most efficient solution to deploy.

Dynamic ESS

  • Fix problem where the error code sometimes gets stuck. But was present since Dynamic ESS introduction (Venus OS v3.30) (also released in v3.32)

gui-v2 beta

  • Add settings page that allows to set min and max values for the gauges ranges, as well as enable and disable auto-ranging. By default, auto-ranging is enabled.
  • Various improves to gauges on the Brief and Overview page
  • Hide levels page if there are no tanks and temperature data
  • Jump to notifications page also when an alarm is received while in a sub-page
  • Pause page animations when the display is off (reduces CPU)
  • Enable upscaling of gui-v2 when viewed in a browser
  • Fix bug in switches that are part of a list item
  • Update translations
  • Show small 3-phase view for AC Loads widget when size <= S
  • Add high temperature and short circuit Solar Charger alarms
  • Show hidden ESS limit/max charge power setting
  • Fix Brief page showing percentages briefly after selecting the volume unit
  • Various layout fixes for overlapping labels on different languages
  • Rename incorrect AC input 'Grid meter' to 'Grid'

Venus OS Large

  • Add Victron-VRM-API node, a node that makes it easy to get data from the VRM database

Internal / developer / future

  • CAN-bus BMS HV profile: Add Pylontech HV protocol
  • CAN-bus BMS HV profile: Remove transmission of 0x307 messages
  • Lynx Smart BMS & Lynx Smart BMS NG: add feature to combine multiple Lynx Smart BMSes into one parallel redundant battery bank. Note that this feature also requires a firmware update / any public testing is not possible yet.

v3.40~9 and v3.40~10

  • Fix energy flow from DC bus to Inverter/Charger not correctly animating with Inverters, Inverter RS or Multi RS
  • restore showing a warning note when switching to gui-v2
  • Cerbo GX MK2: rename CAN ports from VE.Can and BMS-Can to VE.Can 1 and VE.Can 2.
  • Add forcing good settings for Meterboost batteries, see:


  • Add selectable HV Canbus profile for VE.Can 2 port of both the Ekrano GX and the Cerbo MK2.
  • Add support for external back feed relay systems. More public information on this will be shared later.

v3.40~3 upto and including v3.40~8

  • gui-v2
    • Add multi-phase visualization for AC gauges
    • Separate AC and DC input gauges on Brief page
    • Show AC input gauge if valid even if disconnected
    • Always show AC load gauge on Brief page
    • Update solar arc gauges on Brief page
    • Improve min/max value ranging for all gauges; note that this work is not completed yet.
    • Fix bugs in and improve arc gauge animations
    • Add support for Passthrough in Multi RS
    • Use monospaced font for value labels, performance improvement / cpu reduction.
    • Hide display-off button during alerts
    • Prevent Qt crashing by avoiding UniformAnimator
    • Improve timezone support and date/time setting
    • Split AC/DC input side gauge into separate AC and DC input gauges
    • Support displaying tank volumes on the Brief page: select Settings > Display&Language > Brief levels > Brief view unit > Show tank volumes
    • Pause the Overview page animations during heavy CPU load (accumulated 80% all CPUs)
    • Improvements to the GUI v2 positioning and scaling on the browser
    • Fix dialogs appearing in a different scale than the rest of the GUI v2 on the browser
    • Various bug fixes: a crash on browser, Brief page stutter, radio button selection, etc.
    • Updated translations
  • Ruuvi wireless temperature sensors: Increase low battery alarm hysteresis to avoid repeated triggers
  • Modbus-TCP
    • Add registers for ESS MinSocLimit on Multi RS (register 4614)
    • Add registers for InverterCharger power and current summary

      These registers provide a single summary of what the inverter-charger (Multi RS or VE.Bus Multi) is doing on the DC bus. It provides a single place for user interfaces to find the value, and hence also for modbus.

  • VE.Can D-Bus driver: various changes related to the Multi RS, preparing for future features.

  • First version of Integrel E-Power integration; few more changes coming. Feature is monitoring.

  • GX Tank: remove limit of max 32 sensors

  • Fix problem where PV-inverters measured using the AC Current sensor accessory wired to a Multi disappears after doing firmware updates. This is done simply by adding a 5 second time delay. This is old code for old hardware that does not warrant spending much time on.

  • Generator integration: add generator engine oil temperature reading to the gui, works for those generator controllers that support that.

Changes that were all also released as v3.31 official:

  • Fix EVCS firmware updates over VRM failing on fast network connections.

  • Note that the fix for gui-v1 locking up on boot sometimes is not yet included, will be included in v3.40~9.

  • gui: fix alarm icon showing while there is no alarm, issue was introduced in v3.30
  • gui: remove DESS Minimum SOC menu entry, since that is now configurable on the VRM portal rather than in the GX menu structure.
  • Dynamic ESS: fix bug where PV from grid-inverter was fed back into the grid rather than used to charge the battery, in certain conditions.
  • SignalK-Server v2.5.0 -> v2.7.1 + signalk-venus plugin update.
  • VM-3P75CT Energy Meter: fix power readings not properly available when using multiple of these energy meters on the same VE.Can network.

Venus OS Large + Developers:

  • Node-RED: fix a bug that could cause relay 1 to be disabled. node-red-contrib v1.5.16.
  • Node-RED: update from v3.1.7 to v3.1.8.
  • vreg-tool: Fix binary output mode. There was a conflict with the -b common (velib shared) command line switch, which can be used to set the canbus bitrate. The vreg tool used the same switch for binary output mode, which has been changed to -B.
  • Add more pts as securetty. That is reported to improve tailscale connections.
  • Update Qt from v6.5.2 to v6.6.2
  • Change websockified VNC port, used by Remote Console on LAN. This traffic used to go over port 81, now its served by nginx on port 80 and 443, url is now http://<ip>/websockify and https://<ip>/websockify.


  • New version of gui-v2
    • Show both grid and generator on the Overview page if availabe
    • Show arrow icon next to AC input gauge value when ESS feedback enabled
    • Fix display not switching off at user configured "Display off time"
    • Add manual display off button added to the status bar on the top. Allows user to quickly turn the display off again after looking something up, especially in the dark. Nice feature, thank you to those that suggested that!
    • Increase the size of status bar buttons (e.g. back button) for easier access
    • Overall performance improved, in other words: CPU usage by gui-v2 was reduced, by various improvements
    • Avoid stutter when leaving the main settings page
    • Fix inverted tank levels on the Brief page
    • Use custom name for tanks if available
    • Inverter / Charger details opening in the Overview page fixed
    • Crash when leaving the WiFi settings fixed
    • Fixed generator start/stop dialogs getting momentarily stuck on the screen on Ekrano GX
    • Hide the display brightness setting when gui-v2 is accessed using the browser
    • Various fixes to the Battery settings
    • Various smaller bug fixes and improvements
  • Various other changes and improvements that are in preparation of future functionality.

Venus OS Large

v3.30 -> v3.40~1

  • re-add gui-v2 beta
  • generator start/stop: some internal changes related to cooldown and warmup and ignoring AC in to prepare for a different new feature that relates to "ignoring AC in" coming soon.

Connected genset menu, see v3.40~22


Venus OS
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Good morning, per now, beta version v3.40~30 for public testing.

Fixes the UI (gui-v1) from locking up & green square showing as well as remote console not working, requiring a reboot to fix. And has various further Multi RS features to prepare for the upcoming ESS / Dynamic ESS feature launch.

A short update on the planning:

We’re right now finishing up the v3.40 release, which as major features includes:

  • parallel redundancy feature for Lynx Smart BMS as well as the Lynx Smart BMS NG models.
  • Multi RS ESS and Dynamic ESS.
  • Lots of other smaller features and changes, see change log above.

Gui-v2 will not be included. Its not yet ready for official release.

I expect that finishing v3.40 will take a few more weeks.

Thereafter we start testing v3.50, which includes gui-v2 again and then the plan is to make that the gui-v2 release.

2 Likes 2 ·
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Venus OS v3.40 has been officially released. See the announcement for details.

Thank you all for your help! Venus OS v3.50~1 is expected to be available shortly.

For those GX devices configured to beta versions, we leave them to v3.40~39, which is the same as the official release except that it has gui-v2; and the official release does not.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Good morning! Just now we've released Venus OS v3.33 officially. Announcement here:

Meanwhile, v3.40~26 remains available for download as a beta version.

1 Like 1 ·
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Good day! v3.40~32 is out, further Multi RS fixes.

1 Like 1 ·
andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you.

MultiRS is back.

Looking forward to getting DESS

0 Likes 0 ·
semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj andrii-podanenko commented ·
I'll second that :)

Always happy to beta test the RS firmware if you're looking for testers.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Good day - per just now - v3.40~33 in candidate; see above for changes. Have a good weekend!
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Good morning, per just now: v3.40~37

Two minor things, see change log

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
v3.40~39 is available for public testing now. Fixes issue with dbus-serialbattery and possibly other 3rd party add ons as well.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Good day! per just now, Venus OS v3.40~29 available for testing. Details added in the main change log.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Good day, per just now, v3.40~34 available in candidate. Few more small changes that we want to get in before doing the official release.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi all, v3.40~35 into beta just now; minor changes, see above.
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85 Answers
xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 answered ·

Some questions with the Gui-V2

The installation is compised with Ve-direct inverter (24V/1200VA), a Smart shunt, an ET112 energy meter and a GPS.
It just realise the fact that the grid meter or energy meter set in grog mode is not showed in any view or only with AC load on the device




But like this on the VRM portal


or GUI-V1


Do I miss something with settings ?

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andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko answered ·

Installed v3.40~33 on my MultiRS setup

No issues whatsoever @mvader (Victron Energy)

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h2009 avatar image
h2009 answered ·

Bug: The battery, % is jumping still from 89% upto the high 90's% (this was fixed but not any more?)

Bug: Random overload alarms when loading is minimal.

Bug: Temperature alarm bugs still present

Bug: Grid Loss Alarms

Let me know if you need my VRM ID to look into this.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @h2009

First issue it's a Pylontech software behavior and has nothing to do with the Cerbo's software.

You can avoid this behavior if you charge the battery slowly. But if it's charged according with max CCL, this is how it behaves, towards the end of the bulk stage.

Below one of my graphs, where this behavior is obvious.



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h2009 avatar image h2009 Alex Pescaru commented ·
Interesting..what CCL do you use to avoid this?
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru h2009 commented ·

As you see in the picture, I don't use a specific CCL to avoid this, I just let the system to do what it knows best to do.

I've just observed that during partial cloudy days, when the power generated by the panels is a tenth of what they can, the batteries are slowly charging at lower currents and then that "jump" is not happening.

Interesting is that you try to interpolate and draw an imaginary line with the slope of the curve before 89% it will meet the curve in the final stage. So the battery is absorbing alright the energy, just the software is not updating the SoC until the final stage of absorption. See below what I mean...

Also, take into account that when the Cerbo is connected to the battery's BMS, the SoC is reported by the battery's BMS, the Cerbo being just a telltale. So not a bug in the Victron software.


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sv-unsinn avatar image sv-unsinn commented ·

Can second that. With the new Version i had two overload alarms from the Multi 5000 with only 1000w load.

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trevodom avatar image
trevodom answered ·

I've found an issue with 3.40~33 (and prior 3.40 releases) with displaying tank volumes on the brief view from a few Mopeka sensors.

When displaying as percentages, everything appears correctly. However, when changing to display tank volumes the labels correctly update to show the number of gallons, but the bars end up showing the level as if the number of gallons are the percentage.

I've attached a couple of screenshots showing both modes.




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home3131 avatar image
home3131 answered ·

Sorry if this is the wrong 'place'.

Gui V2.0 MQTT plain text

When I turn on MQTT plaintext my Gui V2 is not working and keeps reloading.

MQTT plaintext off and GUI.V2 works both locally and through VRM ??

Of course, Home Assistant stops receiving MQTT values because it's off

Any idea

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joshuaattridge avatar image
joshuaattridge answered ·

Exporting To Grid Missing

I noticed an issue with the new GUI V2.

On the power flow page it is missing the export back to the grid.


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tobe91 avatar image
tobe91 answered ·

I already like the status of the gui-v2.

Only thing I'm missing on the main page is the displaying of at least one or better more selectable temperatures. So we really have a nice basic overview, for more specific information one can go to the specific pages.

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solarmowe avatar image
solarmowe answered ·

Smart RS 450/100

Have a serious problem the smart RS 450/100 no longer recognised in the cerbo after installing the the latest beta, had repeated issues of BMS connection lost on the Gui and the Smart RS disappeared.

revert back to firmware 3.34 on cerbo worked for some few minutes then connection lost againfirmware.pngsmart-rs-450-not-connected.png

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @solarmowe . nothing has been changed to that code since a long time; Its unlikely that this is a bug.

I expect this to be an electrical connection issue - try reseating the connectors. Or try using VE.Can instead of VE.Direct.
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reddriver1980 avatar image
reddriver1980 answered ·




ich habe in der Geräteliste alle Termperaturfühler richtig benannt angezeigt, jedoch bei den Regeln der Relais über die Temperatursensoren muss ich raten, welcher wer ist.

Bitte anpassen

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Yes, known issue - will be fixed; thanks for reporting!
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pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

Measured DC-loads are not displayed.

Although a separate SmartShunt is installed for the DC-loads, the measured values are neither displayed in the brief nor in the detailed overview. Instead, the values seem to be calculated, because the values jump around a lot. The measured values are only displayed in the device list.

The SmartShunt is correctly linked to the DC-loads, as its menu appears when you click on the DC-loads field in the overview.

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pf-1 avatar image pf-1 commented ·

Could it possibly be because there is obviously still an old SmartShunt in the system, which is also noted as dcload? In the VRM device instances menu, there is an unconnected dcload with a different number. How can this device instance be deleted?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

The shunt needs to be programmed as DC system not DC loads. For some reason, the code that collects information for display as DC Loads in gui-v2 and DC System in gui-v1 does not look for a shunt set for DC loads.

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pf-1 avatar image pf-1 Kevin Windrem commented ·

Perfect, that works.

Thank you very much.

Do you also have an idea how I can delete the now two unconnected dcloads from the list of VRM-device-instances?

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wizwaretech avatar image
wizwaretech answered ·

Does GUI v2 have any way to show temp sensor of MultiPlus? I sometimes get overtemp notifications and would love to know what the actual temp is so I can monitor it.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, There is no detailed internal temperature measurement in the MP-II.

Only a (sort of) binary indication; almost too hot, too hot or not.

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Evgeniy Labunskiy avatar image
Evgeniy Labunskiy answered ·

It might be the bug or expected behavior: I'm using Pytes batteries (28100)

DVCC enabled like in manual (SVS off, STS off). BSM says up to 200A charging is possible, but RS system (3xMultiRS) charges max as 110-120A. If I turn SVS on, it can charge according to BMS limit (200A). I expect same limit to be followed with SVS off.

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prein avatar image
prein answered ·

Since some days I noticed that my solaredge inverter is regularly lost in VRM. When I look at the (remote) console, I still see the PV inverter, with also changing power. So it seems that the data is still captured by the Cerbo correctly, but the connection with VRM is somehow unstable. I see it being lost and then automatically restored every now and then.

Updated from ~32 to ~34 just now and the problem persisted.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @Prein , what do you mean with “lost in vrm”? Can you elaborate a bit?
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prein avatar image prein mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

In this overview, the PV inverter box gave no info (only a - at the place of the current 83W). total production on 9th of july was summarized as 2kWh in the dashboard. When I look back now, it is 9kWh in the same dashboard ..


It has happened before, but it was always a problem on the solaredge side (I think), because in the remote console the PV inverter was also gone. On July 9th the PV inverter box in the remote console was visible, and regularly changing values, but the VRM overview gave a dash.

In the VRM advanced graph everything looks OK now for this date and all the historical data is ok.

I havent noticed any outage the last 3 days, so it might have magically solved itself. But to be honest, I do not watch the site 24 hrs a day ;)

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andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko answered ·


Lynx Smart BMS - gui-v2 - Details - is empty ( I have no batteries, so could be just a normal )


Everything else on MultiRS + MPPT RS 450/200 + Lynx Smart BMS + Lynx Distributor with fuses - works well

Do not forget to download latest translations, please @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)

Thank you

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bomax182 avatar image bomax182 commented ·

Mine is the same (empty), and I have 3x SmartLithium 200Ah connected.

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roel-vd-hurk avatar image
roel-vd-hurk answered ·

I am using the system* as an DESS setup. When switching to 'Charger only' (to manually stop it from discharging) and then back to 'on' the DESS functionality stops working.

After setting the system to 'off' and then back to 'on' it is working again as before. Only a restart of the CerboGX did not help.

* 3x 5kVA MultiplusII with a CerboGX.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Have you tried reverting to an official release, and does it behave the same?
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roel-vd-hurk avatar image roel-vd-hurk nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
This page is about beta testing. I am just reporting this issue regarding 3.40~35 so that the developers kan check and fix it before they release it in 3.40 final.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ roel-vd-hurk commented ·
Noted, thank you
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pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

I have a suggestion for sorting of devices in Gui-V2:

If I understand correctly, the temperature sensors (in the "Levels" menu), for example, or the AC solar inverters (in the "Solar yield" menu), are displayed sorted by their VRM instance numbers.

These cannot be changed by the user (or at least I don't know how to do this). Wouldn't it be better to sort them alphabetically? This would allow the user to adjust the sorting simply by renaming the devices, as it is the case in the device list.

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bomax182 avatar image bomax182 commented ·
It would be best if users could simply drag and drop them to set a sort order
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
I’ll discuss this; thanks
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billyg avatar image
billyg answered ·

I have noticed for at least the past few beta's that the Peukert exponent is not adjustable in gui v2. It defaults to 1.00. I reinstalled v3.33 non-beta, adjusted to 1.05, and it went back to 1.00 after reinstalling the beta. This is under the Lynx shunt settings.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Noted; thanks!
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rock2ya avatar image
rock2ya answered ·

how do i adjust the color of the diagram on the Brief View.

With me all three bars are blue - there is non in orange - this is some kind of confusing when only looking at the bars


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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala commented ·
They change color based on the levels of each value. My battery is currently empty, 12% equals orange.
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Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·

I'm worried that wind energy doesn't get attention again in this major update. It has been constantly talked in this community and should be addressed in this beta stage. I checked v3.40~37 version and this is the situatuion.

- With a wind turbine with AC-inverter and energy meter, there is no option to label as Wind turbine.

- With a turbine which AC gets rectified to DC and fed via a PWM/MPPT charger to battery, a shunt should have the same option to label it as wind turbine. Not sure do these have same kind of type selection as they appear in device list, not in the settings. I don't have any.

- Third point would be the weather box, it should display wind speed and direction. Data is probably already there, just needs VRM changes. Local GUI doesn't show weather anyway.


If the wind turbine inverter has some Modbus or CAN communication, then it doesn't need energy meter nor shunt, but should still have a source type to be displayed correctly in the user interface.

These are not big changes considering the whole new beta. Ping @mvader (Victron Energy)



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Juha, thank you for your input!

All together those changes do require quite some effort.

1) AC: is on the list

2) (DC/smartshunt option) exists already

3) VRM: I’ll keep it in mind

For now, focus on gui-v2 is to get it bug free and feature parity; so we can go for official release.

All the best, Matthijs

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
I understood that label and its appearance in GUI is just meta-data which can be easily added into already existing list of source labels like Grid, PV Inverter, Generator. I'm not aware that any functionality would depend on those label names.

It's just odd that wind turbine would not appear as one in GUI when those can be 10-15 kW power sources.

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mediacut avatar image
mediacut answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) is any solution to forward GUI local IP and run on other individual page/tab over internet?

On old Remote console we can forward the local IP an acces over internet.

Now, we try to forward ports for local IP in order to acces from Tesla screens for example and seems GUI can't run, it's stuck at "Connecting"

On local IP/LAN works perfectly .

Ports forwarded, 80, 1883, 8883, 443, we missing something?

Also password option for lan will work like old remote console?



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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I had to forward port 81 also. And of course 22 for ssh. I have 9001 forwarded also for some reason.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hi both,

Password options are coming. And wrt ports its the same port as you open in your browser. So either 80 or 443.

Note that port forwarding from internet to any port on your GX is strongly not advised.

A GX is not hardened enough to be directly exposed to the internet.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

For remote connections I'm using tailscale. I have a package that makes setup possible and relatively easy from the GUI. It works great and way better than port forwarding.

I am port forwarding from my RV's network to my home internal network, primarily for development and debugging that might interrupt tailscale functionality.

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reddriver1980 avatar image
reddriver1980 answered ·

Wäre es auch möglich in der neuen GUI den Fehler mit der DC Überschuß Einspeisung abzustellen? Ich meine damit, dass bei Aktivierung dann die Werte von der BMS nicht mehr beachtet werden. Das führt ja dazu, dass keiner mehr den Überschuss einspeisen kann, dann macht ein EasySolar keinen Sinn. Oder wir schrotten den Akku.

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victron-power avatar image
victron-power answered ·


Since the update to 3.40~38, dbus is no longer working.

Where can I download version 3.40~37?

Thank you.

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frbuceta avatar image frbuceta commented ·
I also had to go back. I have the BMS with a DIY driver and it has stopped working. I'm back to revision 36
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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala commented ·
That's pretty severe.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Juha Tuomala commented ·
Hi @victron_power and @frbuceta , can you detail a bit more what exactly stopped working?

And is it OK if we login remotely to see the problem?

Thank you, Matthijs

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frbuceta avatar image frbuceta mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I have enabled remote support on my personal installation. It's on version 36 because I already downgraded it.

The custom code I have as BMS is this

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mediacut avatar image mediacut mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
I notice also that network fail, DNS keep crashing.

On latest beta.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Every dbus service apparently now must be registered.


Was this change absolutely necessary ? At least document this catastrophic change.

Note that my packages are piggybacking on velib_python from another package rather than including code in the package itself. This is because I support multiple Venus OS versions and velib_python changes once in a while.

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Izak (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·

Every python project should track its own velib_python precisely to avoid such breakage. You should not be piggybacking on another projects submodules. Which is also why we did not worry about changing the API: Projects that use the library would simply have to make the required changes when they update.

Please include your own version of velib_python, or better, use git submodule.

More info about why this change was needed:

When you create a VeDbusService object, it immediately registers on dbus. But at this point no paths are available yet (such as /DeviceInstance, /ProductId, all the mandatory paths). This means that for a split second, you have a service that is not ready to be used, and this causes a potential race condition. The only solution is to explicitly indicate when you are ready to register on dbus.

The alternative was to call register in the next iteration of the eventloop, cleverly spacing it after path creation, but hiding the magic from the user and inviting even more future bugs.

So yes, this absolutely was necessary.

I do apologise for the inconvenience though. I did not know people use our library in this manner, and we made a version that allows for this.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I had originally included my own velib_python in my packages. What happened is that something changed elsewhere in the system that prevented dbus parameters in my packages from appearing in dbus-spy. It took me days to track down the issue and when I discovered it the new velib_python did not work with previous Venus OS versions.

I need to support older Venus OS versions in my packages because many users do not upgrade their GX devices.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hey Kevin, I see the issue with supporting multiple Venus OS versions - but don’t have a good answer for it.

Note that iirc we only changed the dbus API once in the past couple of years.

(What changed yesterday was something else - meanwhile solved)

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hey Matthijs. Yes I count three changes: v2.80, v3.00~32 and v3.40~38. V2.80 saw the switch between python 2 and 3 so that may account for the first change.

I'm currently supporting firmware back to v2.71 and may drop support for firmware prior to v2.94. If anyone reading this has a reason I need to maintain support prior to v2.94 speak now. Thanks.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Kevin Windrem commented ·

Ok to drop it anyway.

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel Kevin Windrem commented ·

Many software companies only support the last 3 stable versions. You could do the same, else the list is getting longer and longer.

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Hi @victron_power , the problem is related to the third party dbus-serialbattery driver, which does something we did not anticipate.

We're releasing v3.40~39 soon that will include a backwards compatible version of the component used by dbus-serialbattery, so that it will continue to work. We also communicated these changes to the maintainer of the dbus-serialbattery driver, so that it may be avoided in future. Thanks for reporting!
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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
The problem was also fixed with dbus-serialbattery v1.4.20240712dev, if you are using v3.40~38.
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victron-power avatar image victron-power Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello everyone.

Thank you for the quick support and the update to ~39.
This fixed the dbus issue.

I have dbus-opendtu running on a Victron GX system, and since the update to ~39, it's working again.

Great work, and the response time is exemplary!

However, the question remains: is it possible to download the individual versions somewhere? This way, one could quickly switch to an older version if needed.

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victron-power avatar image victron-power victron-power commented ·

PS: The is also working again with version ~39.

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel victron-power commented ·

Only releases not candidates:

You can always go back to the version before the update on your GX device.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem victron-power commented ·

If you are beta testing and come across an issue that requires rolling back to the previous version, you may be able to use the Stored backup firmware.

A fallback would be to switch to the latest released version and wait for the next beta.

If you are beta testing and really need the ability to go back to previous beta versions, I recommend saving the .swu files somewhere so you can install that version via a USB memory stick.

Thanks victron_power for noting SetupHelper/PackageManager are working in ~39. Note that PackageManager was in fact running but the interface to the GUI was not due to the changes in dbus in ~38. This was also true for TailScaleGx and ShutdownMonitor.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

One thing not described above is how dbus services are registered:

Prior to ~38, the service was registered when instantiated so it first appears on dbus without parameters.

~38 changed this to require a .register () call before it appears on dbus.

With ~39 changed, if you instantiate with register=False, then the service will not be appear on dbus until the .register () call. If you do not specify register or specify register=True, then the service registers at instantiation (as it did prior to ~38).

The recommendation would be to instantiate with register=False. If you are a developer supporting multiple firmware versions like I do, you need to check the firmware version and instantiate the dbus service without register=False. if it is prior to v3.40~38.

Note, I checked and the only dbus service that instantiates with register=False is dbus-systemcalc (so far anyway).

Sorry for posting this here. It really needs to be part of the Venus OS dbus "manual".

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·

Hey Kevin and anyone else reading this.

Please make sure to understand that there is no new Venus OS wide dbus API requirement about registering. Nothing changed on that level. We haven’t changed any C, Cpp and/or Qt implementations. What happened here is that the Python implementation in velib_python has always had a bug, for which there is now a fix. See:

To get it fixed, all code that uses velib_python/ needs a small change: construct with register=False and, after doing (mandatory-) path creation, add calling the new register() method.

See also what I added yesterday to the v3.40 change log about this, above.

I still strongly recommend to change your code to include its own copy of velib_python. Don’t make your code use a copy that is somewhere on the rootfs.

So (1) make above fix, register=False + calling register() explicitly. (2) include a copy of velib_python. (3) remove any lines of code that you might have to support different versions of velib_python. (4) going forward, now and then review the changes we make to velib_python and update your copies to a newer version.

Because the Venus OS DBUS API has not changed for a long time, this register thing is no change to it, your code using the latest version of velib_python will work on many older versions of Venus OS. Perhaps even all the way back to v2.80 and before. But that I’m not sure of and frankly my opinion is that looking into that is a waste of time: too old.

I’ll think about adding something standard to our change log wrt API changes and or changes to often used libraries. There are many APIs that a an add-on could use:

  • dbus spec (ie ItemsChanged introduction in 2021); mostly interfaced to indirectly using velib-python.
  • localsettings
  • dbus paths, especially renames of existing paths.

All the best, Matthijs

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Matthijs.

I've updated my packages. SetupHelper now includes velib_python for all packages that use it. I do provide version-specific copies of velib_python because I am uncertain about using the newest version with older OS versions. Obviously, older versions using python2 would not be compatible but I'm planning on dropping support for these older versions anyway.

I have also modified all my packages to instantiate then register separately as you have recommended. That too is version-specific since the separate register method doesn't exist prior to v3.40~38.

I will take your suggestion to investigate not having a version-specific velib_python after some intensive testing.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·

Hi Kevin, ok great! In case you run into any options, let me know. As said before, I can't think of any recent breaking changes.

The only one that comes to mind is the introduction of the ItemsChanged signal. Which was per Venus OS v2.80.

And coincided with the switch from Python 2.7 to 3.something.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

That sounds like the change that caused dbus-spy to not see parameter changes even though they were actually updating.

I think we can put this one to bed and return this thread to real beta testing issues. I'm looking forward to the v3.40 release.

Thanks for everyone. It really helps to have insight into changes like this at least to a nerd like me.

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lazza avatar image lazza Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

HI Izak. I need to contact you regarding CCGX firmware that you patched for me in 2020- I need your assistance to change a parameter and dont know how to get hold of you- please contact me at Much appreciated

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ lazza commented ·

Hi @Izak (Victron Energy Staff) , I'll check with Izak and get back to you.

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frbuceta avatar image
frbuceta answered ·

Hello Victron team... Can't you add an option to select what type of automatic updates we want? Major, minor or patch?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @frbuceta ; no; that would exponentially increase the effort needed here.

Usually we're working on, and field testing, a new major version. And in case any bugs or other things that deserve a quick route to official versions are found, then we release them as v3.31, v3.32, v3.33, and so forth.

In general, we recommend to disable auto updates.

Except for beta versions, I like people having them on auto-update, to get feedback asap and keep the development and iteration speed up.


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mauri avatar image
mauri answered ·


Solar yield bars look different when viewed from screen directly connected to Cerbo vs VRM by mobile phone.

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2mas avatar image
2mas answered ·

For the Victron team

Would it be possible to make it so that you can see that BMS V2 is connected to your device? and if so get some data from it?

Today you have to "dig" to find it today.

I seemed to have an unstable bluetooth connection on my Cerbo, could this be due to the GUI-2?

I also notice that switching my Inverter from "off" to "charge only" is not always possible, is this something others experience?


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented · old is your Cerbo, some from around 2020 had an issue with Bluetooth. See the manual. The new firmware uses more cpu so that may make internal temps higher and trigger this. Use of an external Bluetooth dongle is advised. See

Note for Cerbo GX units built up to and including serial number HQ2207; The built-in Bluetooth connection is disabled when the internal CPU temperature exceeds 53 degrees C (influenced by load and/or ambient temperature). For reliable operation it is necessary to use a USB Bluetooth adapter. Devices manufactured later (HQ2208 and later) do not require an additional USB Bluetooth adapter. Note that this limitation does not apply to the Cerbo-S GX.

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2mas avatar image 2mas pwfarnell commented ·

Okey - my unit is HQ2204xxx i ges i need a bluetooth adapter

the old GUI don´t geve unstable bluetooth.

i have 2 x Mopeka sensor and 3 ruuvi temp sensor in my setup.

Is it better to get a new Cerbo?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell 2mas commented ·

@2Mas The old gui uses less cpu so your unit runs cooler, the new gui uses more cpu so runs a bit hotter, just tipped it over the edge for you. Mine was unstable on gui1 from the start in 2021. Fitted a tpLink UB400 and have had good comms to my Mopeka and Ruuvi since then including on gui2. Big post on the issue linked below with a list of tried and verified USB dongles near the top. No need for a new Cerbo.

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bomax182 avatar image
bomax182 answered ·

The manual relays built in to the Cerbo GX do not appear in the top left Relays screen. They do correctly appear in the VRM portal. (They are set to “manual” in the Cerbo settings and not any of the other types.)img-1219.jpeg

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sv-unsinn avatar image sv-unsinn commented ·

Hi, is there any reason why the Relais could not be on the gui2 as shown above? This would be really helpful.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ sv-unsinn commented ·

Coming, in one form or another. But first we finish the official release of gui-v2

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Put them visible into top level.

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theo74 avatar image theo74 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you upfrond for taking the 2 Cerbo GX relais in to account!

If this could be done like Kevin's GUI mod, that would be perfect.

An additional VE multiple relais module could be interesting too...

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patxi-toller avatar image
patxi-toller answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy)

Hi, any way to have decimals on litres measure?

It will be handy for accurate setting of little LPG bottles sensor.

Thank you for your worklitres.jpg

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mediacut avatar image
mediacut answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) in Venus OS v3.40~39 noticed that DNS fail sometime and Ekrano/Cerbo lose network connection when is connected via cable.

Happens several times. A reboot not solve the issue.

The unit need a power cycle and network cable must be removed and plugged back in.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hey @mediacut , to me that sounds like a faulty network cable, hardware issue on a networking switch or on the GX or , last in the row, maybe a really obscure bug in Venus OS; but then one that has been in there since a long time and affects almost no one.

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mediacut avatar image mediacut mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

It's happens only on beta and GUI.

Whit same router, same cable, same configuration on old interface and a sable firmware works perfectly.

I will try to retest and I'll come back whit details.

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roel-vd-hurk avatar image roel-vd-hurk commented ·

Same here. But only on a dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) network (in my case). The DNS server used is the IPv6 one. When using only IPv4 i do not have this problem.

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Evgeniy Labunskiy avatar image
Evgeniy Labunskiy answered ·

Something changed yesterday on VRM site, I see this error "Dynamic ESS: ENTSO-E prices for your region are currently unavailable. This should soon resolve itself." @mvader (Victron Energy) looks like it's not affecting anything, but a bit annoying

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hey @Evgeniy Labunskiy - was this resolved?

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Evgeniy Labunskiy avatar image Evgeniy Labunskiy mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Yes it’ was! Thank you!

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tobe91 avatar image
tobe91 answered ·

I'm already really happy with the current beta status.

Only thing I missing in contrast to what guimods has offered with gui v1 was the possibility to show temperature and tank levels together on the overview page. It annoys me that I all time have to move to a different tab.

I have two Ruuvi sensors attached. The tank level sensors are no issue on the overview page, but currently there is no possibility to show temperatures there.

Will there maybe be a solution for this?

Maybe adding additional circle charts on the overview page with the temperature or something similar?

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iand avatar image iand commented ·

Added circle charts would take up a lot of space and maybe be confusing, bar graphs or even just numbers would be better, especially if there's a way to select which ones appear -- for example I have many temperature sensors, but the only one read frequently is hot water which should be on the tanks page.

Is there a page which shows tanks and temperature readings together? (I haven't installed beta release yet)

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell iand commented ·

There is an environment page that shows either tanks or temperatures with swipes between the two.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem pwfarnell commented ·

tobe91 is saying that on GuiMods, the temps and tanks are shown on the main overview page.

My feeling is that the "Brief" page should include one or two temperatures. I know the circle gauges for the tanks has become a signature look for the new GUI but I'd recommend changing these to bars so there is more room for additional status like temps. Tanks have become the focus of the brief page and in reality they are a small part of the overall system picture.

If the circle gauges must stay, then the ability to select temps for one of the 4 gauges is essential. I caution that showing dissimilar things on the same scale for a group of gauges can be misleading. It's sort of OK for SOC and tank levels because they are all percentages (or relative to a maximum value for absolute tank display).

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ iand commented ·

Hey both @IanD and @Tobe91 : thank you for your thoughts.

we have some ideas for this, and will look into that later.

For now, its full focus on releasing officially what there is now.


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tobe91 avatar image
tobe91 answered ·

Regarding the tank setup I experienced that at least for me it is currently not possible to define a custom shape.

I added some water in the tank and checked the sensor percentage and tried to add a custom poin17214594884717685237497974837246.jpgt by selecting the sensor percentage and the amount of water I filled until this point.

When I click on ok, nothing happens.

Is this known?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

We’ll look into that. Thank you

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pf-1 avatar image pf-1 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

The interpolation values can be entered in the old GUI without any problems.

However, I have the impression that entering the 10th interpolation value disturbs the interpolation calculated up to that point. Could this be due to the fact that a total of 11 ranges have to be interpolated with 10 interpolation values entered (if the implemented 0%=0% and 100%=100% are taken into account)?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ pf-1 commented ·

Not sure, but I’ve heard we could reproduce and fix it :-)

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cheyne avatar image
cheyne answered ·

I think I found a bug in the new GUI. When I'm in the old Remote Console under devices for my Inverter/Charger, Quattro 12/5000 120v, the tempature is 100F. When I switch to the new gui it shows 38F. It appears to be showing the number in C, but using F. I have everything set to imperial measurements in my system and it should be 100F.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Cheyne , noted - thank you!

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cheyne avatar image cheyne mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

In 3.50~7 the problem appears to be fixed. Thanks.

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pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

We have just installed version 3.50~5.
Apart from some obvious improvements (faster start, more space-saving display of the solar yield (AC) if a phase-by-phase output is not possible), we miss the BMS in the device list which is connected via BMS-CAN .
It is still visible in the old GUI and the BMS.CAN port (in the “Services” menu) also shows error-free transmitted packets.
The reason seems to be that the “Battery measurements” item in the “System setup” menu now also affects the device list, whereas previously it only affected the display in the VRM.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @PF_1 thanks! Noted. That is then a mistake.

The intention here was to limit the battery details shown on either brief- or overview “click-through”. I’ll have a look.

Thank you for reporting!

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reddriver1980 avatar image
reddriver1980 answered ·

Nach dem neusten Update wird meine BMS nicht mehr richtig erkannt.


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mediacut avatar image
mediacut answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) BETA version 3.50~11 makes inaccessible the NodeRede on local IP of Venus.

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