
andy-the-miner avatar image
andy-the-miner asked

Continuos power while generator is off

Im looking at trying to power an on site office 24hrs a day.

Currently its powered during the working shift by the site diesel generator. Id like to power it 24/7 while the generator is turned off.

The system will include a fridge, laptop and light as a start. The generator will be able to charge the system during the day, and id like the system to take over automatically when the generator is powered down end of shift. Im totally new to all this, but was wondering what id need. Or if theres a manual or anywhere that would tell me what I need and how to wire it up?

Im guessing the basics would be a battery. A charger of some form to charge the battery during the working day. An invertor to power the electricals, and a battery meter to monitor battery levels as a start? Im currently looking at a 12v 280ah LiFePO4 Lithium Battery, maybe even 2. Could anyone please advise?

Thanks for your help, Andy

battery chargingoffgrid
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2 Answers
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

The quickest win would likely be a Multiplus II GX as that has all the components you require, other than batteries.

You could of course use a separate inverter, charger and display/controller, the GX device, or even forgo a separate controller and use a smart device/s that can be monitored / managed with a phone using Bluetooth.

I am not entirely sure but I 'think' the smallest inverter charger with a built in GX device is 3000VA which may be too big, and or costly, for your requirements.

A big advantage of having a GX in the system is the Victron Remote Monitoring (VRM)

Have a look at some literature, it will give you a good idea what to think about and give you enough basic options to begin looking at specific solutions...

THIS is probably as good a place as any to have a first look.

Hope that helps.

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Hi Andy,

your best bet would be to base your setup around a Multiplus/ Multiplus 2 integrated inverter/charger rather than separate units. The Multiplus has a built-in changeover switch and is connected between your generator and your cabin. When the generator is running the multiplus will pass power through to the cabin and charge the batteries. As soon as the generator stops it will switch into inverter mode and supply power to the cabin.

You'll need to know your maximum power draw needed during the day and overnight to correctly size the Multiplus and maximum duration between generator runs to size the battery bank (factoring in weekends etc).

There are options with regard to battery monitoring (local and/or remote), and a few other other things you may need to configure the system.

You're probably best off looking for a local Victron dealer to discuss this with as they will be able to advise better than internet armchair "experts" like me ;)

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