
mark-oostdam avatar image
mark-oostdam asked

SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 load output not behaving as configured

The issue:

Load output does not switch at the configured voltage in the "User defi. algorithm 1" settings. See attached screenshots. Looking at the trends graph, the "off <" voltage seems static at 11V + 120 seconds delay (?) and the "on >" seems static at 13V + 120 seconds delay.

I was hoping to have the load switch off rather sooner than 11V and later than 13V. What am I missing here, why doesn't it work as expected?

The setup:

  • SmartSolar MPPT 75/10
  • 6Ah LiFePO4
  • Static-current load @ 1A
  • 30W solar panel

What I've tried (in this order):

  1. Searched other issues on this forum; then
  2. have the latest firmware installed (v1.63);
  3. reset the device to factory defaults;
  4. disconnected the SmarSolar from everything for a couple of minutes, and reconnect loads first, then battery, and solar last; and
  5. waited at least 2 mintues before making my conclusions about the load output's behavior.

Good to know:

  • the voltage of the battery measured at it's terminals differs from the app by 0.0 - 0.3V;
  • there is no jumper on the VE.Direct port; and
  • the load output configuration for "always on" and "always off" work perfectly fine, so this doesn't seem to be a hardware issue.
  • Streetlight function is disabled.
  • MPPT settings save file




MPPT SmartSolar
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Hi @mark_oostdam

You did not attach any screen shot.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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2 Answers
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @mark_oostdam

Do you perhaps have the streetlight function enabled? When this is enabled, this will also act on the load output.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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mark-oostdam avatar image mark-oostdam commented ·
Sadly, that's not it. Streetlight function is disabled, and shouldn't be acting on the load output.
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mark-oostdam avatar image
mark-oostdam answered ·

I've updated firmware to v1.64, and now I'm seeing two things I haven't seen happen before:

  1. With the load output on, I switched to "Always off" profile, and the load remains on (even after 2min wait).
  2. See attached image.


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Hi @mark_oostdam

Can you perhaps "Save settings to file" of the MPPT and attach it here to an answer / comment? Then we can take a look at all settings and better look into the issue.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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mark-oostdam avatar image mark-oostdam Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Added the save file to the original post, hope it helps.

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