
steffen-seibert avatar image
steffen-seibert asked

Multiplus 12/1200 power consumpion in Off Mode

Hi! I am measuring DC 900mA intake current in Off mode. Is this normal? The battery will be empy soon with a power consumtion of 10W in Off mode. Can this be correct?

Thanks and Cheers. Steffen.

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Not normal! I'd say typical draw in off mode is under 1 mA, possibly well under but never measured it.

The reason I say this is because when you disconnect the battery in off mode it takes 10s of seconds for the voltage held by the capacitors across the DC input to drop.

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steffen-seibert avatar image
steffen-seibert answered ·

Thanks a lot, Kevin,
for your quick reply. So what shall I do?
I lost 7.2Ah over night :-/
The battery is directly connected to the Multiplus and the current drops to ZERO when disconnecting.
Is this a device failure? Shall I RMA the device to VICRON? Its brandnew and has just been unboxed...
Thanks again! Steffen.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
You need to work with your Victron dealer to determine a corse of action. All service is initiated by the dealer.
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