
berzle-chafa avatar image
berzle-chafa asked

PylonTech UP5000 and Victron Multiplus ii GX 48

I have two UP5000 PylonTech batteries and one Huawei 48V Lithium battery. I'm planning to purchase a Multiplus II GX 48-70/50 inverter. Additionally, I already own a 150/70 MPPT controller. What is the best way to connect my system, including communication cables and fuses? Will I need to buy a separate Cerbo GX, or can I use the VE.Can connection to link the batteries and the inverter?

Multiplus-IIcerbo gxPylontech
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi you can connect the pylontechs to the multiplus 2 gx vecan setup as bms (you need a different cable for that)

read and follow this manual for requirments and settings:

you can not connect the huawei also, GX can not communicate with the pylontech bms and the huawei together, also they probaply have different charge settings

the mppt can be connected to ve direct on the multiplus gx

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