
andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko asked

SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/200 Tr vs MC4

Update: There is a difference in hardware - PV input board are different, where on MC4 version additional protection + low voltage connector (for monitoring)? - See comment


In technical description these are 16 vs 18A rated current on PV side

Is there a difference in firmware, hardware between Tr and MC4 or rated current driven only by MC4 limitations?

Thank you for the response in advance.

mppt rs
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Andrii Podanenko

The limitation is just the connection type. The mc4s often have less current capabilities. They can get warm. You can use 16mm² on the tr (so you can oversize the array if wanted) but the mc4 you are limited to what the mc4 can be crimped on and current it can carry.

Firmware is the same. Internals are the same. Short circuit protection is the same.

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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

On MC4 version PV input board has additional protection. Tr seems like simpler



I must push back on "short circuit protection is the same"

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Strange one, as the MC4 connector is rated for at least 20A....

Victron is saying even 30A, on SmartSolars like 250/70.

So why would it say here only 16A ?....

I suppose it has to do with power, as 250x30 is something when 450x30 is another...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Depends on the mc4s, there are many varying qualities out there.
And then some of the of the crimping I have seen on installs leaves a lot to be desired.

Seen alot of issues from mismatch as well.

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