I have a sailboat where I keep a 12 V lead acid battery bank of 100 Ah charged by a MPPT 75/10 and solar cells of 50 W. The battery is only used for 25 days per year when I am out with the boat. There is no consumption the rest of the days. I find it non-optimal that the battery is daily taken up to 14,4 V absorption voltage by a bulk charge step. Even if the actual absorption step is only one minute long, the journey there will expose the battery for an increasing voltage of 13,7 to 14,4 V every day, although the battery has not been used during the day. I have ruined (dried out) two lead acid batteries and replaced them through the years. I think the daily absorption could play a role. I have now decreased absorption voltage to 13,7 V too eliminate the daily voltage increase. I think the algorithm with adaptive absorption time is sophisticated, but has Victron not fully considered my type of application with only intermittent usage of battery and actual no need to go above float voltage every single day.